CX Create / Flow Using DispoMode and the C3S Integration
How to configure the DispoMode Constant Field to streamline the dispositioning process for the agent.
All CX Create scripts have a dispositions assigned to them, and all CX Route campaigns have dispositions connected to them as well. This means agents must disposition each script and then also disposition each completed call. By using the DispoMode constant field and the C3S integration, dispositions from the script can either get auto assigned from the script to CX Route (AUTO), or copied over for easy selection (LIST).
This articles assumes that the script and commflow have already been created.
1. Configure the Script
- In CX Create, locate the script and click to access it
- Click Graph in the top right
- On the script graph, click Constant Fields on the left
- Click to add a Text Input field to the Constant Fields slide
*Depending on how your script was configured, Constant Fields slide may already contain other fields. This Text Input can be placed anywhere on the slide, order does not matter. - On the Field Settings tab, the Label must be set to DispoMode
DispoMode is case sensitive and must be typed with no spaces!
Any deviation from this formatting will cause the setup to fail.
*Note that even though the preview shows the word in all CAPS, the label, which is used by the integration, contains the proper formatting. - The Standard Field dropdown should be left as-is (DispoMode is not a Standard Field at this time)
- The Value can be set to either of these options:
- Must be typed in all CAPS
- When set to AUTO, the disposition code that the agent selects at the end of the script will be passed on for reporting. Once Agent clicks FINISH to end the script, it will close automatically and the disposition they chose for the script will also be used to disposition the call in CX Route.
- Must be typed in all CAPS
- When set to LIST, the same dispositions that are added during script creation and available to the agent at the end of the script are copied over and made available to the agent for dispositioning in CX Route. Once the agent dispositions the script and clicks Finish, they can select the same or different dispo from an exact copy of the list.
- Click Update to save the slide
- Click Save to save and close the script graph
2. Map the CommFlow
Because DispoMode is not a Standard Field, it must be manually mapped on the commflow.
This article assumes that all other fields have already been mapped. For step-by-step instructions on mapping, click here.
- In CX Create, locate the commflow and click to access it
- Click Edit
- Click the Session fields tab
- Clicking Auto add script fields, then choosing the script name on the pop-up will pick up any additional non-standard fields (in this case the DispoMode Text Input field that was just added).
*As mentioned, the DispoMode Constant Field is being added to an existing script. Ideally, it would be added during script creation, and mapped as part of the initial process. - Click Update to save and close the pop-up
- Click Update on the Session Fields tab
- Clicking Auto add script fields, then choosing the script name on the pop-up will pick up any additional non-standard fields (in this case the DispoMode Text Input field that was just added).
- Click to access the CommFlow Graph
- Click the wrench icon to access the script node settings
- Click Add new map to manually select the additional field
*Depending on the setup of your script, you may or may not see other fields listed here. If your script contains all Standard and/or Custom-Standard fields, then this pop-up will be empty. - Select DispoMode from the Source dropdown (the Session Field will auto-populate)
- Click Save to save and close the pop-up
- Save, then Close the CommFlow Graph
3. Connect the Integration
This is the final piece that will take the instruction from the mapped DispoMode field and process it for CX Route.
On the CommFlow Graph:
- Click and drag Integration from the left-hand menu onto the graph
- On the New Integration pop-up, click the Select an Integration dropdown and page through the existing options or search for the latest C3S Integration* by typing in the search box.
*Integrations may be updated from time to time. If you are unsure which version is the most recent, please ask your Account Executive. - Connect the integration to the script node by dragging from Submit and Abandon
- The integration is now connected. You do not need to map any fields on the integration node.
- The integration is now connected. You do not need to map any fields on the integration node.
- Click Save to save and close the CommFlow Graph
If your commflow is already part of a live campaign, it will update automatically in CX Route. No further action is required.