Step-by-step instructions for creating new user accounts in CX Create.*

*Only supervisors and administrators will have the necessary permissions for creating accounts.

  1. Log in to your CX Create cluster

  2. In the left-hand navigation bar, click Administration, then click Users

  3. On the User Management page, click +New User

  4. On the New User page, fill out all of the text fields for the user you wish to add

    *All fields are required! If any field is left blank, you will be prompted to complete it before proceeding.

  5. When all fields are complete, click Create

  6. You will then be returned to the User Account list
    • Most recent user account creation will appear at the end of the list

  7. If more than one page of user accounts exists, you can navigate to the user account you just created by searching 

    or by paging through the accounts

  8. To make changes to a user account, including changing the password*, click the key icon to the right.
    To delete the user account, click the X icon to the right.

    *For more info about changing/updating passwords, click here.