CX Create / Flow Dynamic Text (Fields)

CX Create / Flow Dynamic Text (Fields)

This article will detail the use and configuration of dynamic text fields.

  1. Types of Dynamic Text
  2. Preparing the Script to use Dynamic Text Fields
  3. How to Configure Dynamic Fields
  4. Field-Specific Options 

1. Types of Dynamic Text

CX Create has the ability to create text fields that will auto-populate and change, or text that is visible or hidden depending on input from other parts of the script, or directly from an outside source.

Types of dynamic fields include:

  • Dynamic Field that pulls data from another field within the script
    An example of this would be the caller's name. Once it is typed into the script at the beginning of a call, it can be set up to appear throughout the other slides, making it a seamless part of the agent's spoken script.
    This type of dynamic text is covered in this article.

  • Dynamic Field that pulls data from an outside source
    The Additional Info slide is an example of this. Data is pulled from CX Route and plugged into a hidden slide within the script so that it can be viewed in the session details and call reports. This is set up during the CommFlow mapping process.
  • Conditional Text
    This is text that would appear only after certain conditions have been satisfied. For example, a line of text pertaining only to callers from Canada can be configured to remain hidden unless the Ship Address field contains a valid Canadian zip code.
    This type of of dynamic text is covered in the article located here.
  • Date/Time
    This type of dynamic text is used to show dates that are not static. For example, if you want the agent to tell the caller that their order will ship in 5 business days, a dynamic date field can be configured so that the actual calendar date can be read by the agent, without them having to reference a separate source.
    This type of dynamic text is covered in the article located here.

2. Preparing the Script to use Dynamic Text Fields

All dynamic text is added in the field prompt using the CX Create / Flow Text Editor. It can be configured at any point during the script creation process, as long as the other field that is being referenced has also been added.

Because a dynamic field can pull from fields located anywhere in the script, you may find it easiest to create all of the slides and fields first, leaving dynamic placeholders along with some indication to yourself in the script directive that dynamic text should be added there.
These steps will be outlined below.

For example: A script directive may call for something like:

  • Slide 1
    • Hello, may I please have your first name?
    • Thank you ______, what zip code are you calling from today?
    • Because you live in _____, we are happy to offer the following 2 promotions:
  • Slide 2
    • That _____ promotion is a really great deal. What payment method would you like to use?

*The above example outlines the basics of creating dynamic text. Individual fields offer unique options, and those will be listed in the next section. This example is representative of a smaller portion of a larger script. 

The above example would be added to a script as follows:

  • Create a new script
  • Add 2 slides to the script graph, named Slide 1 and Slide 2, and connect them

    To revisit the basics of script building, please see How to Create a Basic Lead Gen Script.
  • Slide 1:
    • Add a Text input field
      • Label: first name
      • Prompt: Hello, may I please have your first name?
    • Add another Text input field
      • Label: zip
      • Prompt: Thank you {first name}, what zip code are you calling from today?

        *Notice that when you type using an opening and closing bracket- the text that appears inside looks different. CX Create recognizes this as incomplete dynamic text, and displays it in red. If the dynamic placeholder is not configured, CX Create will read it as-is and display it during a call, exactly as it is typed:

        This is NOT a completed dynamic text field.

    • Add a Radios field
      • Label: offer choice
      • Prompt: Because you live in {zip}, we are happy to offer the following 3 promotions:
      • Choices:
        • Value: Offer A \ Label: Offer A
        • Value: Offer B \ Label: Offer B
        • Value: Offer C \ Label: Offer C
    • Leave all other settings as default and click Update to save and close the slide

  • Slide 2:
    • Add a Dropdown field
      • Label: pay type
      • Prompt: That {offer choice} is a really great deal! What payment method would you like to use today?
      • Choices:
        • Value: Visa \ Label: Visa
        • Value: Master Card\ Label: Master Card
        • Value: American Express \ Label: American Express
    • Leave all other settings as default and click Update to save and close the slide
    • Click Save on the Script Graph

3. How to Configure Dynamic Fields

Now that this portion of the script is ready, the dynamic fields can be added.

  • Slide 1:
    • Click the zip Text input field in the preview pane to access its settings
      • In the Text Editor, click and drag to highlight the first name placeholder text, including the brackets

      • Click the dynamic text button above the text area

      • And then click on Create dynamic text

      • The Dynamic Text pop-up opens, defaulted to Conditional.
      • Click on Field to change the Dynamic Text type
      • Label: first name
      • Source Value: first name

        The Source Value dropdown will display all of the eligible fields from the script that can be used as a dynamic source.

      • Click Update to save and close the pop-up

        The dynamic placeholder text is now displayed in green, which lets you know it has been configured.

        If you now click on the Dynamic Text button, you will see that a dynamic field called first name has been created. 
        From here you can:
        Screen_Shot_2017-06-02_at_10.45.31_AM.pngedit the dynamic text field
        Screen_Shot_2017-06-02_at_10.45.57_AM.png delete the dynamic text field

    • Click the offer choice Radios field in the preview pane to access its settings
      • Highlight the dynamic placeholder for {zip}
      • Click the dynamic text button
      • Click Create Dynamic Text from the pop-up menu
      • Change the text type to Field
      • Label: zip
      • Source Value: zip
      • Click Update to save and close the pop-up
      • Click Update to save and close Slide 1

  • Slide 2:
    • Click the pay type Dropdown field in the preview pane to access its settings
      • Highlight the dynamic placeholder for {offer choice}
      • Click the dynamic text button
      • Click Create Dynamic Text from the pop-up menu
      • Change the text type to Field
      • Label: offer choice
      • Source Value: offer choice (label)*
      • Click Update to save and close the pop-up
      • Click Update to save and close Slide 2

*For select-type fields (Dropdowns, Radios, Checkboxes), you can assign either the Value or the Label as the Dynamic source:

The field's label is what is shown to the agent during the call, as well as what is reflected in the Field Data after the call. The field's value is what is displayed on the Session Grid after the call.

To see how the dynamic fields function, click on Launch Preview on the Script Graph.

The dynamic fields on Slide 1 will appear as blank until the Source Values that they pull from are populated.

As you type a name in the first Text input field (first name), you will see it populate the prompt of the next field because it is the designated source value for that dynamic text field.

Then, when the Text input (zip) is populated, it will be reflected in the field below.

Because dynamic sources can be selected from other fields on other slides, the selection from the offer choice Radios will carry over and be visible when you click Next to get to Slide 2.

4. Field-Specific Options

Because the Text Editor functions the same, regardless of location, all fields' prompts can host a dynamic text field. However, some fields offer multiple options when used as a source value.

The Address field is one example where either the entire field and its contents (full address) can be selected as a source value, or any of the field's individual components.


  • full address
  • line 1
  • line 2
  • line 3
  • city/locality
  • state/region
  • postal code
  • country


  • status code
  • response code
  • response message

*Buttons require an integration connected to the script node on the CommFlow Graph. More information about this is available in the article titled Integrations.


  • total 
  • first payment
  • last payment


  • account last 4
  • bank name
  • branch locality
  • check number


  • label
  • value

Credit/Debit card

  • exp. date (exp. month & exp. year)
  • exp. month
  • exp. year
  • last 4 digits
  • card type


  • label
  • value

[cannot be used as a dynamic source value]


  • full name
  • first/given
  • last/family


[field value only, no options]


[cannot be used as a dynamic source value]


  • label
  • value

Text input

[field value only, no options]

Text input (multi-line)

[field value only, no options]

Date input

[field value only, no options]