CX Create / Flow Slide Branching

CX Create / Flow Slide Branching

During a call, information collected by the agent can be used to determine the direction of the script. This flow is configured while connecting the slides as part of the script building process.

  1. Connecting Slides 
  2. Conditional Branching
  3. Deleting/Editing a Branch
  4. Documentation Tab

1. Connecting Slides

In order for a script slide to be shown during a call, it must be connected to another slide.

A script's slide branching can be simple:

Or, it can be complex:

There can be any number of optional outcomes based on the data that is collected during the call. In the example above, not all slides will be displayed during a call, but instead, the call flow will be tailored to the caller depending on the information they provide.

To connect slides:

  • Click and drag from the starting slide button to anywhere on the side of the slide you are connecting to

  • This creates a branch

  • By default, the slides will connect with the condition= Always

2. Conditional Branching

Slides can also be connected to more than one other slide. When branching a slide to multiple possible outcomes, you must configure conditions for each.

In the example above, the caller's address would be determined and entered on an Address field (named "Address") on the Questions slide, and then depending on where they lived, the script would then route the call either to the "Continental US" slide- for callers in the 48 states, or the "AK, HI" slide for callers with a postal code in Alaska or Hawaii. As mentioned, the default condition=Always, which won't work when there are multiple options.

To set the conditions:

  • Create a branch from Questions -> Continental US
  • Click the branch to bring up the settings pop-up

  • Click the dropdown to change the condition from Always to Any of the following

  • Click the dropdowns to set the following condition:

    • If / Address/ region is not*/ Alaska
      *Available options will be based on the field type. Other field types will offer different parameters.

  • Click the + to add a second condition:

    • If / Address / region is not / Hawaii
  • Click Update to save the conditions and close the pop-up

Note that this assumes that all callers will be from the U.S. The above example will route any caller with any postal code besides Alaska or Hawaii. It does not factor callers from Canada or elsewhere. This can be done with additional conditions.

  • Repeat the above steps to create a branch from Questions -> AK, HI

    • If / Address / region is / Alaska
    • If / Address / region is / Hawaii
  • Click Update to save the conditions and close the pop-up

If callers provide a postal code from either Alaska or Hawaii, they will be routed to this slide.

Integration-Based Branching

It is also possible to have the slides branch based on the response from a button-triggered integration. One common use case is for credit card approval. If the authorization is a success, the script would flow one way, and if it was not a success, it would flow another direction.

  • Configure the script with a button field and integration
  • Click the branch to access its settings
  • Set to If/ [button field label]/ response code is/ [response code]

    *The above options are available when using a button field as a condition.

    • The response code can be retrieved from the integration request/response:
  • Response code should be typed exactly as it appears into the field's value
  • Click Update to save the condition and close the pop-up

It should be noted here that once this button field is added to the script, you will not be able to advance past it using the Script Graph's Launch Preview feature. The slide will only advance based on the above branching conditions, which are dependent on a response code from the Integration, which can only be triggered in the CommFlow.

One Way Branching

Another available option is one way branching. When this option is selected, it prevents the agent from going back to the previous slide during a call by disabling the Back button.

  • Click the branch to access its settings
  • Click the checkbox to enable One Way branching

3. Deleting/Editing a Branch

  • Click anywhere on the branch

  • Click Delete to remove the branch, or click the dropdown to assign/change the conditions

4. Documentation Tab

An easy way to quickly view which slides branch where, is to check the Documentation tab on the script.

Each slide (in this example, it is the slide labeled "Questions") has its own Branching section.

Note that it only shows the slide name, it does not display conditions.