CX Create / Flow FAQs
CX Create / Flow FAQs
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) are an optional add-on to any script. They provide on-demand information that agents can relay to the consumer during a call.
1.FAQ Overview
To access existing FAQs:
- Log in to CX Create
- Click Scripts in the left-hand navigation bar
- Click the Scripts tab
- All current FAQs will be displayed here (defaults to 10 per page, based on your settings)
- All current FAQs will be displayed here (defaults to 10 per page, based on your settings)
From this page, you can:
- View any of the FAQ "folders" by clicking its Name in the Name column
- FAQs are organized in containers, usually labeled for the script or campaign they are intended for. FAQs can contain any number of individual question/answer sets.
- Search existing FAQs by typing in any part of the Name
- Quick-view the number of questions contained within a FAQ (without opening it)
- Sort any column in ascending/descending order by clicking the arrow
- Change page Settings
- Set Page Size to 10/25/50/100 entries per page
- Export selection or entire list as CSV or PDF
- Select/Edit Columns to be displayed
- Export a FAQ
- Downloads as a JSON file
Time Saver Tip:
FAQs cannot be cloned, BUT they can be copied. Simply export the FAQ file you wish duplicate, then import it (see section below for instructions). Once it has been imported, change the label, and then edit the question/answers as needed.
- Delete a FAQ
- Permanently deletes the FAQ and all of the questions it contains
- Permanently deletes the FAQ and all of the questions it contains
2. FAQ Creation
FAQs can either be created from scratch, or imported from the same or another CX Create cluster
- To create a new FAQ:
- Click +New FAQ
- Type a name for the FAQ
- Click Create to save the FAQ
- Click +New Question to add the first question to the FAQ
- Type the Question in the Question field
- Type the answer in the Answer field
- You can also add any formatting options using the Text Editor
- Click Update to save and add the question
- Repeat the above steps until all the desired Question/Answer sets have been created.
*Additional questions can be added at any time
- Click +New FAQ
- To upload an existing FAQ:
- Click Import FAQ
- Browse to the FAQ file*
*File type must be JSON (as mentioned in section 1 of this article) - Click Open to add the FAQ
- Click Import FAQ
- To edit FAQs:
- Browse for the FAQ that you wish to modify
- Click its Name to open
- From here you can:
- Change the Label of the FAQ
- Add a New Question
- Change the view to only the Active or Inactive question/answer sets within the FAQ
- Make a question active/inactive by selecting/deselecting the checkbox
- Click to dropdown the answer and make changes to the text
- Reorder the questions by clicking/dragging the up/down arrow
The order that questions appear here is the same order they will appear in the script. Place the most common questions at the top of the list!
- Always click Update to save any changes
3. FAQ Assignment
Once the FAQ is created, it can be attached to a script.
- Browse to and open the script you wish to attach the FAQ to
- Click Edit
- Click Step 4 FAQs
- Browse/Search for the name of the FAQ you wish to add to this script
- Double click or click once to highlight the FAQ, then click the > to move the FAQ from the Available column to the Selected Column
- Repeat the above step if you wish to add more than one FAQ to the script
*Scripts can support multiple FAQ files, and any FAQ file can be used in multiple scripts. - Click Update to save the selected FAQs
To view the FAQs, add the script to a Commflow and view it in a browser:
- FAQs will appear on the right-hand side
- Agents can search FAQs by typing in the search question field
- Question/answer sets will appear in the order they were added
- questions will appear in one long list, with no indication of which FAQ file they are stored in
- Click the question to view the answer:
, multiple selections available,