CX Create / Flow Standard Fields

CX Create / Flow Standard Fields

Standardizing the names and behavior of certain common fields within a script results in easier report building and more accurate data reporting.

This article covers:

  1. What are Standard Fields?
  2. Adding Standard Fields to a Script
  3. Standardized Fields in a CommFlow
  4. Testing the Standard Fields in the CommFlow

In CX Create, a script builder can create fields with any label they wish. This complicates report building processes for admins because they must be constantly aware, for example, whether the field is called Bill Name, or Billing Name, or bill_name, etc. This move towards a standardized naming convention seeks to eliminate the chance of error between the script builder and the database administrator creating reports. Non-standard fields are still and will always be available for use, although anyone wishing to build reports and retrieve data in Analytics should make every effort to use only Standard (includes standard and custom-standard) Fields.

*This article assumes that the user is familiar with the script building process. Details on creating the script file, adding and customizing fields, and constructing the CommFlow are all prerequisites for using and understanding Standard Fields. For more information on script building basics, click here.

1. What are Standard Fields?

Standard Fields adhere to a SingleComm-approved naming convention. When a field is designated as one of the available Standard Fields, it will be auto-mapped at the CommFlow level.
Standard Fields also factor into easier identification and reporting using CX Explore. For more information on that, click here.

The following fields can be set as Standard Fields in CX Create:
(in alphabetical order)

  • Bill Address 
    • (contains Address Line 1-2, City, Zip, State)
  • Bill Email
  • Bill Name
    • (contains Given, Family)
  • Bill Phone
  • Cart
  • Ship Address
    • (contains Address Line 1-2, City, Zip, State)
  • Ship Email
  • Ship Name
    • (contains Given, Family)
  • Ship Phone
  • TestMode

What are Custom-Standard Fields?

In addition to the 10 fields listed above, each script can also contain up to 50 Custom-Standard Fields. These are unnamed fields that you designate as standard and will be treated as standard for that script only. The Custom-Standard Fields (numbered 1-50) are located in the Standard Field dropdown, beneath the fields listed above.

2. Adding Standard Fields to a Script

The following steps outline the process for utilizing Standard Fields in a brand new script build. 

From the Script Graph:

  • Add the field to the slide* and customize as needed

    The SingleComm Analytics tool (CX Explore) will collect data from Standard and Custom-Standard fields on every slide EXCEPT the Constant Slide. 
    ALL fields must have a unique name, regardless of their location (script\constant\disposition). If 2 or more fields are labelled identically, fields will not be mapped properly and data may not be collected and reported.

  • Click the field in the right hand preview pane to access its settings

    *The selected field will appear with a solid yellow border.

  • Click the Standard Field dropdown

    *All available Standard Fields are listed, followed by 50 Custom-Standard Fields.

  • Select Bill Name

    *Once the field is designated as a Standard Field, it will appear with a solid green border.

  • Repeat the process for the remaining two fields on the slide
    • Call Back Number [Text input] \ Bill Phone 
    • Shipping Address [Address] \ Ship Address
  • Click Update to save and close the slide
  • Click Save on the Script Graph to save all changes

Adding Custom-Standard Fields to a Script

When the data you are collecting in the script is outside the scope of available Standard Fields, the remaining fields (up to 50) can be designated as Custom-Standard Fields.

Why not just leave the rest of the fields as-is? Why set them as custom?
This way, they will be automatically mapped at the CommFlow level, and labeled for reporting in CX Explore. In other words, it's a lot less work for you and enables you to create reports immediately! Any field that collects data that will used for reporting should be standardized.

From the settings of the field(s) you wish to make custom (in the below example, it is the Referral Radio field):

  • Click the Standard Field dropdown
  • Select the first available Custom Field entry- customField01
  • Click Update to save and close the slide
  • Click Save on the Script Graph to save all changes

The following field types can NOT be set as Standard since they do not collect data:

  • Button
  • Embedded Link
  • Paragraph

The following complex field-type should also not be set as Standard:

  • Checkboxes

*In the case where checkboxes would need to be used in a script with Standard Fields, this is the suggested solution

For example- a script that has the following field:

Should be configured using a series of Radio buttons instead:
*This is because radio buttons can be reported effectively to CX Explore, and the values can be itemized for reporting drill down, if needed.

Each field can then be mapped to an available Custom-Standard field.
The above configuration allows for each of the options to be reported separately.

Using a series of Radios in the Sticky Slide?
If spacing is an issue, radio buttons can be laid out horizontally and also offer the option to decrease spacing.

^From field settings

Here is what the same fields would look like in the Sticky Slide with those options enabled:

For more details on Radio Field styling, click here.

3. Standardized Fields in a CommFlow

This applies to both Standard and Custom-Standard fields.

Once all of the fields are configured to be standard, custom-standard, or left as default (non-standard), the next step is to set up the CommFlow

On the CommFlow Graph:

  • Add the embed and assign the partner
  • Add the script
  • Click Save to update and exit the graph

Adding Session Fields

  • Scripts containing all standard and/or custom-standard fields do not need to add them to the session. To verify they are automatically added to the CommFlow:
    • Click Edit
    • Click the Session Fields tab

      *Standard Fields will all be listed here, without any action required. They are grayed out and read-only, meaning their labels and descriptions can not be edited. 

  • Scripts that contain any non-standard fields must do the following:
    • Click Edit
    • Click the Session Fields tab
    • Click the Auto add script fields button
    • Only non-standard fields will appear on the pop-up

      *This script (SX-2310) only contained one non-standard field (Add'l Comments)

    • Click on Update to save and close the pop-up

      *All fields will now appear listed in the Session Fields tab

    • Click Update to save and close the settings

Mapping the Script Node

Scripts containing all standard and/or custom-standard fields do not need to map them on the script node of the CommFlow. 

Scripts containing any non-standard fields must be mapped on the script node.

From the CommFlow graph:

  • Click the wrench icon on the script node to access its settings
  • Click Auto Map

    • Only non-standard fields will appear on the pop-up

      *This script (SX-2310) only contained one non-standard field (Add'l Comments)

As mentioned earlier in this article, all fields must have a unique Label. If any Standard or Custom-Standard field name matches a Non-Standard field name, the auto-map process will not be successful for the Non-Standard field.

  • Click Save to save and close the settings 
  • Click Save on the CommFlow graph

4. Testing the Standard Fields in the CommFlow

From the CommFlow's main page:

  • Click the info button to pop the script in a browser
  • On the deployment pop-up, enable any of the parameters you wish to use
    *All Standard and Custom-Standard Fields will automatically be made available as parameters

    If you are using custom-standard fields in your script, it is recommended that you keep a list of the field labels and which custom field number they are represented by. 
    At this time, CX Create will show the default reporting name (customField1, customField2, etc) of the field instead of the field label you created at script creation.

  • Fill in any relevant data you wish to pass along in the script
  • Click Save if you wish to save the parameters for future deployments

Certain fields will NOT be recognized as valid parameters, and may result in duplicate entries in the session grid and field data. This includes any multi-part field type:
-Credit/debit card

  • Click the URL to deploy the script in a separate browser tab
  • After completing the script, refresh the Sessions tab and all of your data will be viewable

    *Any Custom-Standard fields will be listed as such (customField01, etc.)

For more information on viewing the call data in Analytics, including how to set up a report using Standard Fields, click here.