Creating CX Explore Reports With Standard Fields

Creating CX Explore Reports With Standard Fields

Utilizing Standard Fields in scripts greatly simplifies the report building process. This effort cuts out developer time and allows users to easily create their own deliverables in CX Explore.

  1. What are Standard Fields?
  2. Building a Report With Standard Fields
  3. Viewing the Data in the Report
  4. Custom Calculations

1. What are Standard Fields and Why Should I Use Them?

Standard Fields* allow for uniform recognition of the most commonly used fields in CX Create. In addition to these fields, there are 50 Custom-Standard Field indicators that can be associated with other data collection points in a script. 

For a more detailed explanation and step-by-step instructions for creating a script with Standard Fields, click here.

*For the purposes of this article, the term "Standard Field" may refer to either Standard or Custom-Standard.

2. Building a Report With Standard Fields

Once the script has been configured to use Standard Fields and has been incorporated into a campaign and program within CX Route, the report building process is simple.

Standard Fields have been pre-programmed to be recognized by CX Explore so there is no custom development or script helper required. Simply add the desired fields to an existing Look, or create something new. 

For example:
Modify the existing Call Detail look to show only data from a specific Call ID. Save the new Look in the Shared space so that it is viewable by anyone (superusers and viewers).

What You'll Need:

  • Script name
  • Campaign that uses the script
  • Call ID
  • List of Fields from which you want to capture data

Once you have gathered the above information, log into CX Explore to get started.

Because this process involves saving a look to a shared space, it must be performed on the Analytics site, and not from within the ACD. Only superusers have this ability.

From CX Explore:

  • Browse to the look titled Call Detail
  • Click to open it
  • Click Explore From Here
    *The Call Detail report is part of the Call Detail LookML dashboard, available on every CX Explore model and contains the following filters by default:
    • Agent Name
    • Call Date
    • Call ID
    • Campaign
    • Disposition 
    • Minutes in Call
    • Program

Because we are creating a version of this look that pertains to a specific script\campaign\program, the following changes are needed:

  • Click the arrow to drop down the list of current filters
  • Enter in the Call ID, Campaign, and Program information
  • Click the X to delete any filters that are not needed
    *This is simply a suggestion for this example. Any filters you need can be left in/added/removed.

From the results table at the bottom of the look:

  • Hover your mouse to expose the settings icon, then click to remove the following fields that are not relevant to the new report.

From the Explore menu on the left, search for and add the necessary fields from your script:

  • For this example, the following field types were added:
    1. Ship Address 1 [configured as a Standard Field in the script]
    2. Bill Name First [left as a non-standard field in the script]
    3. Bill Name Last [left as a non-standard field in the script]
    4. Label01 (the purpose for this is explained below)
    5. Field01 [configured as a Custom Field in the script]
    6. Label02 (the purpose for this is explained below)
    7. Field02 [configured as a Custom Field in the script]

Need to find a specific field? Instead of browsing through all of the categories, you can simply begin typing the name of the field in the search bar and the options will be narrowed for you as you type.
Another reason to use Standard Fields- You always know what the field will be named so finding it will be simple!

*One exception to this rule is any Custom Field. Searching for "custom field" will display a list for you that includes Field01-Field50 and Label01-Label50.
Referring back to your script, add the required Custom Field, and also scroll down and add the associated Label.
The FIELD will pull the data and the LABEL will pull the field name from the script so you won't have to guess at what the Custom Field is referring to. (see below for an example)

  • Click Run to run the report and display call data
  • Click the Settings icon in the top right and Save as a Look
  • Save in your Personal Space, or save to the Shared Space so that other users can view

3. Viewing Report Data from Standard, Custom-Standard, and Non-Standard Fields

Once calls are made and data has been collected, browse to the look that was created and click Run so that you can be sure it is displaying the most up-to-date information.

If you recall, the following field types from the script were among those used to create this CX Explore report:

  1. Ship Address 1
    • The first line of the Ship Address field was reported
  2. Bill Name First 
  3. Bill Name Last 
    • The above fields were NOT configured as Standard Fields in the script, the field label follows the standard naming convention (Bill Name and not Billing Name bill_name, or any other variation).
      *While this is not recommended, it will behave as a Standard Field because of the way it is named, even though it is not designated as such.
  4. Label01 
  5. Field01 
    • The Label displays the name of the field, and the field reflects the data that was collected. It is recommended that both Label and Field are used in tandem when a custom field exists in your script. 
  6. Label02 
  7. Field02 

 Don't crowd your data table or Visualization!
From the above example, you see the importance of exposing the Label and its coordinating custom field. If you are using a Table Visualization, you can streamline the way your data is shown when the report is viewed.

STEP 1: Rename the Custom-Standard column so that it reflects the data being displayed.

  1. From the Explore view, click the Settings icon to drop down a list of options, then click the Series tab
  2. Scroll down to find the first Custom-Standard label and field
  3. Click the arrow to drop down the Label of the Custom-Standard Field you wish to rename
  4. Rename it so that it matches the Custom Field Label
  5. You will see that the Label is now displayed on the column, and if you do not want to display it twice:

STEP 2: Remove the Label column from the Visualization.

  1. In the data table, hover your mouse inside the column header for the Custom Field Label you wish to remove from the visualization

  2. Click Hide From Visualization
  3. Both the label info and the data are now displayed in a single column instead of two

4. Custom Calculations

Up until this point, all Standard/Custom-Standard Fields have been represented in Analytics by corresponding Dimensions. There are also a handful of Measures (calculations) that can be used in conjunction with Custom Fields 1-50.* They are:

  • No Answered Calls
  • No Answered Calls Percent
  • No Calls
  • No Calls Percent
  • No Main Approved Orders
  • No Main Approved Orders Percent
  • Yes Answered Calls
  • Yes Answered Calls Percent
  • Yes Calls
  • Yes Calls Percent
  • Yes Main Approved Orders
  • Yes Main Approved Orders Percent

*The custom field MUST be configured to report YES/NO data only. Dropdown and Radio field-types work optimally for this purpose.

Using the above report as an example, Custom Field 1 [Field01] is reporting whether or not the last 4 digits of the Credit Card [CC Last 4 Captured Radio] were captured (Yes/No). 
Let's say that you then also want to know how many of the calls resulted in an Approved Order when the Last 4 digits were NOT captured. The Measure you would select is No Main Approved Orders, because you are looking for data on the number of Main Approved Orders, when Field01=No.

To add the measure to the above report:

  • Browse to the Scripter Custom Fields in the left hand navigation 
  • Scroll down until you see the Measures (located under Labels)

    *Each of the 50 Custom-Standard Fields will have its own corresponding list of available measures.

  • Click to add Field01 No Main Approved Orders to the Data Table

  • Click Run to populate that column with data, and also display the column in the Visualization
  • Click the Settings icon and Save as a Look (either overwrite the existing report, or create a new version)

*Remember, you can move columns in a report by clicking and dragging left and right. You can also sort columns by clicking the down arrow that appears when you hover your mouse inside the column header.