CX Create / Flow Parameters

CX Create / Flow Parameters

When added to the embed node, Partners are used to feed data into the CommFlow, which can then be used for reporting.

  1. SingleComm Standards
  2. Adding the Fields
  3. Mapping the Session Fields
  4. Creating the Parameters
  5. Testing the Parameters

1. SingleComm Standards

First, it must be determined what data will be used as parameters. SingleComm has a set of specific parameters that are used for every script that is popped in CX Route. These are:

  • ani
  • dnis
  • agent_id
  • root_call_id
  • agent_call_id
  • campaign_id
  • program_id
  • agent_name
  • api_token

For clients not using CX Route, the following parameter must be used to pass the ACD's Call ID into the session data for reporting in CX Explore:

  • external_call_id

*For more information, see the article titled CX Create / Flow CommFlow/Script Mapping Standardizations.

2. Adding the Fields

Before Parameters are assigned, the fields must be mapped. There are 2 ways to do this:

Script Values

These are fields that exist in the script, whether or not they are visible to the agent (Name, Address, etc) or are hidden (usually on the Additional Information slide*). The value is fed via a connected integration. Having hidden fields mapped allows for some flexibility in the labeling, in that it does not always have to be named the same thing within the script, while still mapping to the same fields in the commflow.
*For more information about configuring the Additional Information slide, click here.

From CX Create:

  • Click Scripts in the left-hand navigation menu
  • Browse to the script that will be used and click to view it
  • Click to view the script Graph
  • Click the wrench on the Additional Information slide to view its settings

    • Note that the Additional Information slide is not connected to any other slides. This is a typical use case, although there may be instances in which this would be the starting slide of the script.
    • If this slide does not exist, it can be created by dragging a New Slide onto the script graph.
  • The following example of an Additional Information slide shows some of the fields that can be used:

    • Note that these are all Non-Standard Text Input- type fields, and all of the values are left blank.

 What if I have unchanging data that I want to report? Can I type in a value here?
The common use case for reporting data that will be constant across every script pop is to add them to the Constant Fields slide, rather than the Additional Information slide.

Integration Values

These are fields in which the data is populated by the integration they are connected to, without existing anywhere within the script. Unlike Script values, these are mapped directly on the commflow, which does not allow for any variation in labeling.

Instructions on creating these fields is in the next section.

3. Mapping the Session Fields

From CX Create:

  • Click CommFlows in the left-hand navigation menu
  • Browse to the commflow that will be used and click to view it (or create a new commflow, for more details on how to do this, click here)
  • To map the session fields, click Edit, then click the Session Fields tab

    • Script Standard Fields will already be mapped, along with any others that may have been mapped as part of the initial commflow creation process.


  • Click Auto add script fields
  • Select the script from the dropdown
    *A full list of unmapped fields will populate, including hidden fields from the Additional Information slide, along with any Non-Standard fields that have not been mapped.
  • Scroll down and click Update to save the session fields

Manual Add:

The remaining fields (if any) that will be used as parameters must be manually added. This is also done on the Session Fields tab.

  • Scroll down and click Add field
  • In the blank entry that appears at the end of the list, type in the Label* and an optional Description.

    *All fields are CASE SENSITIVE and must match the SingleComm naming standards.

  • Repeat the above steps until all additional fields are added
    • Note that every time the Add field button is clicked, the last field entered will be sorted alphabetically in the list above it.
  • Click Update to save the session fields

    • Once you click Update, it will take you back to the history tab. If you navigate back to the session fields list, you will be able to see the fields you manually mapped (above). Any Standard Fields will be grayed out and marked as such, and any script fields that have been auto mapped appear in the list with the name of the script in the Description field.

4. Creating the Parameters

  • On the Script Graph, click the wrench icon on the embed node to access its settings

  • On the pop-up, click the Parameters tab
  • Click Add parameter
  • On the Parameters tab:

    • Identifier
    • Description [optional]
    • Session Field
      • Click the dropdown and select the associated session field
  • Continue to input parameters by clicking the + button
  • Once all parameters have been entered, click Update to save and close the pop-up

5. Testing the Parameters

Once Step 4 (above) is completed, the parameters are ready for use in CX Route, or in another ACD. Optionally, they can be testing by doing the following:

From the Config tab of the CommFlow:

  • Scroll down to the Deployments section
  • Click the i button on the partner you wish you test 

  • On the Deployment modal, all of the parameters will be listed

    • Click the checkbox to the left of the parameter(s) you wish to enable
    • If you wish to test a Value, it can be typed in the text box
      • As parameter values are added, the URL above it will update
    • Click the URL to pop the script in another tab, or click Copy URL to Clipboard for pasting into another browser
      • You can scroll down and click Save to save the test values and close the deployment pop-up. When the commflow is run in the ACD, the integrations connected to it will overwrite any test values.

The script will pop in the browser using the test parameter values you set on the Deployment pop-up.