This Lead Scrubber Queue shows you the leads that are being scrubbed at the moment. You arrived here by clicking Lead Scrubber Queue under OBTM (Outbound Telemarketing) or you selected leads to scrub and then clicked  on the Lead Management Page.

Security: Only users with the supervisor role can access this section.

Lead Scrubber Queue:

If there are leads being scrubbed, you will be able to see them here with their progression. It is not real-time. You must refresh the page to see the progress on lead scrubbing.

  • Program - The Program the list being scrubbed is associated with.
  • Campaign - The Campaign the list being scrubbed is associated with.
  • Requester - The person scrubbing leads.
  • Leads - Number of leads you wanted scrubbed
  • Progress - Shows how close to done scrubbing is. (The more leads for a list you scrub equals more time to scrub them)
  • Status - Displays whats happening with the scrubbing process.
  • Queued On - When the requester initiated the scrubbing process.

Again, it is not real-time. You must refresh the page to see the progress on lead scrubbing. 

When the the ACD is done scrubbing leads the page will be blank after being refreshed, as the queue is empty.