Outbound Agent Mix*

Outbound Agent Mix*

This Agent Mix allows you to view agents allocated for outbound dialing. Here, you are able to weight their dialing so your agents dial multiple campaigns evenly or at different paces

Security: Only users with the supervisor role can access this section.

Any agent allocated for outbound will appear here and you can modify multiple agents at the same time.

Campaigns appear in the columns as headers.

Each box with a number in it can be modified. N/A means the agent is not allocated for the specific campaign.

Use a scale of 0 to 10 for easier management. If your agent is dialing across many campaigns a 0 to 100 scale may be needed for more specific ratios.

The agent above is set to all 0's. So his dialing ratio will be even for his dials across the board. 0 is the default that goes into the box, but it does not mean they will not dial that campaign. Only removing the agent from the Campaign in Agent Management tab ensures no dials in a Campaign.

Now we have changed his dialing ratio. He will now dial at a 30%/20%/50% ratio.

After making changes use the  to save.

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