This Outbound Lead Management allows you to view your current leads for all Programs. You are able to see individual Campaigns within those Programs and also scrub leads to make them available to dial.

Security: Only users with the supervisor role can access this section.


  • Any outbound Program/Campaign will be listed on here under the Campaign column.

The box under Lead Management is a select all radio button.


  • The list shows Campaign and Lead status.
    • New - Leads that have not been dialed.
    • New 5 - Leads that are 5 days or older but have not been dialed.
    • Touched - Leads that have been dialed at least once.

Scrubbing Process:

Step 1

  • It is recommended you do this process first thing at the beginning of the day so you have a safe number of leads in relation to the day's dialing potential. Please also observe the timezone of the targeted marketing areas; for example, when dialing Australia, it is a good idea to re-scrub yesterday's leads just after midnight (ET) so there are no missed opportunities (i.e. undialed leads received the previous day [ET]) Warning: Scrubbing large amounts of leads can result in performance issues since the required system resources are directly proportional with the lead volume. Scrubbing 125% of the expected outbound dial volume is considered good practice.
  • First select any campaigns you want to scrub leads for. You can select all of them, some of them, or just one. 
  • Then select the Campaign/Lead Status under List column that you want to specifically scrub. Be sure to select the campaign as well.
  • Now click the  button to proceed to the next step in the process. If you click this button without clicking any radio buttons it will automatically do them all.

Step 2

For the sake of the example let's say you've selected 2 campaigns and then their three lead statuses under the list column to the right. That would give us a total of 6 like pictured above. 

The ACD will then show you the leads for what you've selected. You will be able to just view them to see what is available for dialing or actually scrub more leads to make them available. As you can see, there are dialable leads pictured so someone has already done one round of scrubbing.


  • Sorting lets you know how the leads are sorted.
  • Dialable shows you of the leads scrubbed, how many are dialable today.
  • Dialable Now shows you how many of your scrubbed leads are available for dialing now. This number will change as the day progresses and more time zones open up for dialing. (There are dialable windows that need to be observed. The ACD looks at the area code of a lead to determine when it can be dialed. If there is address information attached to the lead the ACD will look at the zip code of the lead to determine calling window.)
  • Dormant shows you the total number of leads that can be scrubbed.
  • (Re)Scrub allows you to enter the number of leads you wish to scrub. This cross references with DNC to make sure the number can be dialed.

The dates and times on this page reference the most recent lead.

Editing Number of Leads to Scrub:

Now you can edit the number of leads under the (Re)Scrub column. Click in a box located on the far right that is in the same line of Campaign/Lead Status you want to (Re)Scrub for.

You have entered the number of leads you want scrubbed (20 Slim New 5 leads and 4000 Slim Touched leads). As you can see the campaigns with no dormant leads have 0's. There are no leads to scrub for them. 

Now click  at the bottom of the page. Remember, you are scrubbing this number of leads but that does not mean you will have that many after scrubbing as some leads will not be able to be dialed. This will take you to the Lead Scrubber Queue and allow you to see the progress of the request.

Other options not available on the Outbound Lead Management Page include:

Scheduled Scrubbing:

You can also choose to have leads scrubbed automatically at 6am.
To enable this:

  • Click Outbound Lists (under Outbound Telemarketing) in the left-hand navigation bar
  • Click Edit on the selected OB list 
  • Scroll down to Scheduled Scrubbing and set the radio button to YES
    • since leads are normally scrubbed when they are uploaded, this typically does not take place
    • if unscrubbed leads are present, the scheduled scrubbing will occur at 6 am

Minimum Dialable Leads:

This option is located below Scheduled Scrubbing

  • The value set here is the minimum number of scrubbed leads that can exist before more are scrubbed
  • maximum allowed value is 50, which will grab 150 leads to scrub
  • this WILL re-scrub any leads that have already been scrubbed