Rank Based Routing

Rank Based Routing

All campaigns have one of two available Call Distribution Types: Rank Based Routing and Skills Based Routing.* Below are the step-by-step instructions for configuring RBR on an existing campaign.

*For information on Skills Based Routing, click here.

  1. Verify Call Distribution Type
  2. Rank Agents

*All OB campaigns must use RBR. 

1. Verify Call Distribution Type

  • Browse to Programs / Program Name / Campaigns, and click on the Campaign Name that will be configured
  • On the Details tab:

    • Call Distribution should be set to Rank Based Routing [this is the default option]

2. Rank Agents

This article assumes that agents have already been assigned to the campaign. For more details on how that is done during the end-to-end setup process, click here.

With RBR enabled, the following 3 tabs will appear in the campaign:

  • All agents start out on the Untrained Agents tab
    • On the list that is displayed, find the agents you wish to add to the campaign and click the Activate button to the right of their name.
    • Once you select them for activation, they will appear as "To be activated" in the Actions column
  • Once all agents have been selected for activation, scroll to the bottom and click Update

    • Assigned agents will now appear in the Ranks tab

      • On this tab, you can assign an agent's rank. Agents with a higher ranking will be prioritized .

        0 is the default, and the minimum. There is no maximum value but it is suggested that you create a universal ranking system, either 0-9, 0-99, etc., to promote consistency amongst campaigns.

      Agents can have one of three statuses within a Rank Based Routing campaign:

      • Untrained: agents on CX route that have never been assigned to the campaign
      • Trained: agents that were assigned to this campaign, but deactivated from the campaign for any reason (Their rank record will be suspended when they are removed, but there is history of the agent being ranked, so they are considered to be trained).
        *A Trained agent can be Activated, which would move them back to the Ranked list. 
        *A Trained agent cannot be moved back to Untrained.
      • Ranked: a list of agents that have been activated from either the untrained or trained list(s) and are currently assigned to the campaign

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