Ability Management

Ability Management

The Ability Management section is where all available abilities are created and maintained. These proficiencies are assigned to agents and bundled together to create skills, which are then assigned to campaigns that utilize the Skills Based Routing call distribution type.

For more information on creating/editing abilities and using them in a Skills Based Routing campaign, click here.

To access Ability Management:

  • Click Agent Management in the left-hand navigation bar

  • Click Ability Management in the list of options

On the Ability Management page you can:

  1. Import Assignments: upload multiple abilities from a spreadsheet 

    • Assignment CSV File: click the + in the text box to browse and select the spreadsheet that contains the abilities you wish to upload
      *Must be a CSV, and have to following column formatting:
    • Duplicate Assignment Handling
      • Reject: If an ability/agent assignment from the CSV file coincides with an ability that is already allocated to the agent, the new assignment from the spreadsheet will NOT be implemented.
      • Update: If an ability/agent assignment from the CSV file coincides with an ability that is already allocated to the agent, it WILL be amended to reflect the value from the spreadsheet.

  2. Bulk Assign/Unassign: add or revoke abilities to multiple agents at one time

    • Click the dropdown in the Action column to:

      • Skip [default]: no action will be taken
      • Export: selected agent ability/weight assignments will be exported to a spreadsheet
        • With this option selected, click Continue

        • Select from individual or All available agents
        • Scroll down and click Continue
        • You will be shown a summary of your exports
        • A spreadsheet with the results will be downloaded locally

           What can I do with these results?
          Aside from being a convenient way to view agent assignment and weight for a certain ability (or number of abilities), this method provides a central location for making bulk changes. Recall the Assignment CSV File feature in the Import Assignments section above, where you can upload changes to assignments and weights.

      • Assign (ignore updates): Selected agent assignments will be updated with the designated ability/weight(s). If the agent(s) are already assigned the ability, the weight will NOT be changed to the new value.
        • Once this option is selected, a prompt to enter a Weight in the Action column will appear
        • Scroll down and click Continue
        • Select agent(s) to receive this ability/weight
        • Click Continue
        • Confirmation of the agent(s) that received the updated skill will be displayed:

          *If agent(s) already had the assigned ability, they will be ignored and weight will not be updated:

          *If agent(s) had ever been assigned the skill in the past, they will be reactivated at the weight they were last assigned:
      • Assign (apply updates): Using the above steps, selected agent assignments will be updated with the designated ability/weight(s). If the agent(s) are already assigned the ability, the weight will WILL be changed to the new value.
      • Unassign: Using the above steps, selected abilities will be removed from the designated agents.
      • Override Logout: Using the above steps, selected agent abilities will be suspended from the designated agents.

        *This action functions the same as Unassign, with different terminology in the confirmation notice. In both cases, the ability has been removed from the agent. 

        Both Unassign and Override Logout will appear as "Suspended" in the Override Log. 

    • Export All: changes the Action to Export for all abilities in the list
    • Override Logout All:changes the Action to Override Logout for all abilities in the list

  3. Override Log: record of all ability assignments / unassignments

    • From this page you can view:
      • User who completed the action
      • IP of the above user
      • Delta (what was changed)
      • Date/Time the action occurred
      • Undo the action
        • Click Undo 

        • Click OK on the prompt to proceed or Cancel to go back
        • The action will be reversed (Assignments will be suspended, Unassignments/Overrides will be activated)
        • Undo action will be recorded in the log

  4. Create a New Ability

    • Ability Details tab:
      • Name
      • Description [optional]
      • Suspended: [defaults to No] leave as-is, this option is used to take the ability out of service
      • Click Update to save the ability
    • Agents tab:
      • Choose an Agent from the dropdown to assign them this ability
      • Assign a Weight
        • The higher the weight, the more this ability will factor for the agent when they are part of a Skills Based campaign that utilizes this ability
      • Click Update to save the Agent assignment
      • Repeat the steps above until all agents are assigned
  5. Search the list of existing abilities

    • Begin typing in the text box to narrow down the list of existing abilities

  6. Modify page layout

    • Make changes to the number of entries/columns that are displayed on the page

  7. Edit existing abilities

    • Click the number of the ability you wish to make changes to
    • Ability Details tab: Name/Description/Suspended status can be edited
    • Agents tab: 
      • Click Delete to remove the ability from an assigned agent
      • Or, Choose an Agent from the dropdown, then assign a Weight
      • Click Update to save changes

  8. View/Sort basic stats

    • View the following ability info:
      • # number
      • Name
      • Description
      • Created On date
      • Suspended status
      • Number of Users assigned to this ability
    • Sort any of the columns by clicking the up/down arrows in the column header