The Memo tool allows you to create memos for users on the ACD to view when they first login.
Security: Only users in the Announcers group can access this section.
Click the Memo tab on the left side of the ACD.
When the Memo section first opens up you are viewing the dashboard which shows what memos have been created, by who, what the status is, when it was created, whether it is suspended, how many recipients it was sent to, and how many recipients acknowledged it.
Simply click the number next to a memo to view its details, manage information, or make changes.
Initial Memo Creation:
Select the
to get started.Memo Details tab:
- Name - The title of the memo
- Body - Whatever verbiage you want users to see should be entered in this box
- Status
- Draft - Use this status is the memo is not ready to be sent out to users.
- Completed - Change to this selection and update when you are ready to disperse the memo. Then go to Blast tab to choose recipients.
- Mandatory - This selection determines if an agent just receives the memo or if they will have to enter their agent ID to sign off as acknowledgement.
- Suspended - Yes / No. Suspended memos are no longer active and will not pop for selected users.
This tab allows you to choose who will receive memos and actually blast them out. There are four different categories you can use to determine who gets them. If you have not selected anyone your memo cannot be sent out.
- Organization Members - Choose certain Organization Members that would receive memo.
- User Groups - Only send the memo to people in certain User Groups.
- Program Agents - Have only agents allocated for certain programs get the memo.
- Individual Users - Select specific individual users to receive the memo.
Now that you have selected recipients click the button.
Preview Recipient List - Allows you to review the list of people that will receive this memo. If it is correct then click the button that has appeared to distribute. You will see a confirmation pop.
Acknowledgment Stats:
This tab will display the users that have acknowledged the memo. When the memo is set to Mandatory the agent will enter their Agent ID to confirm seeing the memo before being allowed to proceed in the ACD. That confirmation date and time comes here.