Shift Manager

Shift Manager

For clients who use Shiftboard for scheduling, SingleComm provides an integration that allows supervisors to view and manage agent shift status from within CX Route.

  1. Accessing the Shift Manager
  2. Manage Shifts
  3. Manage Override
  4. Viewing Shift Manager Data in CX Explore

1. Accessing the Shift Manager

  • Click Shift Manager* in the left-hand navigation bar

    *Feature must be enabled on CX Route, and user must be members of the Supervisors and/or Administrators group(s).

The following options are available from the Shift Menu:

*Manage Override is only available to members of the Override Managers group.

2. Manage Shifts

  • Click Manage Shifts*

    *Shifts may take a minute to load
  • From this page, you can:
    1. Click dropdown to change Timezone
    2. Amend time period for viewing shifts [defaults to 24 hours]
       Set to 0 to see a list of all shifts.
      Historical data as far back as 01/01/2018 is available.
    3. Search for a shift
    4. View/sort information for the shift/agent:
      • Shift ID
      • Agent Last Name
      • Agent First Name
      • Agent Login
      • Agent ID
    5. View/sort the corresponding Line*
      In CX Explore, Line (Shiftboard terminology) corresponds to Workgroup. It can also be used to represent the campaign name.
    6. View/sort Shift Date (shift start time)
    7. View shift Status:
      • Scheduled/ Missed/ Honored/ Forgiven
    8. Hover to view the Shift Status Comment, (if applicable)

    9. Click to change the status of the shift*

      • Set as Forgiven
      • Set as Missed
      • Any shift that has a status of Scheduled will not allow a status change

To adjust the status of multiple shifts at one time:
-select the shifts you wish to change and then select from the Group Options at the top of the list (rather then the individual options on the right-hand side)

  • When a shift status changes, the supervisor has the option of leaving a Shift Status comment that will be viewable on the Manage Shifts page.

 Why set a shift as Forgiven?
Forgiven, along with Honored shifts will get included in the Agent Performance calculation as a Honored Shift and will not negatively impact an agent's performance rate.

3. Manage Override

When agents are not scheduled for a shift, and do not display a status of Scheduled in the Shift Manager, they will be blocked. They can still log in to CX Route, but no calls will be routed to them. Supervisors have the option of overriding the blocked status in order to make the agent available. Once an agent has their status changed to Override, they will remain in that status until their next scheduled shift.

From within the Shift Manager:

  • Click Manage Override*

    *User must be members of the Override Managers group

  • From here you can view/sort Agent info as well as the agent's current Override Status:
    • Unblocked: agent is currently in a scheduled shift
    • Blocked: agent is not currently in a scheduled shift and is not able to take calls
    • Override: agent has been manually unblocked by a supervisor and may take calls

  • To override an agent's blocked status:
    • Click the settings button on the right-hand side

      • Enable Override: unblocks and agent and sets their status to Override
      • Disable Override: blocks the agent and sets their status to Blocked

4. Viewing Shift Manager Data in CX Explore

The above shift settings can also be viewed in CX Explore.
*For more information on CX Explore, check out the tutorials in our CX Explore Help Center by clicking here.

Shift data can be found in the Coral [Clientname] Model.

  • Click User Shifts to explore

The following data sets are available:

The following shift-specific dimensions/measures are available:


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