Supervisor/Agent Messaging

Supervisor/Agent Messaging

CX Route offers two options for message sending:

  1. One-Way Messenger
  2. Two-Way Messaging

1. One-Way Messenger

Supervisor -->Agent
*The one-way messenger is available only to supervisors

This type of messaging allows supervisors to send messages to the entire call center (All Users), a specific agent, or a group of agents that handle a certain type of call (Team).

To access the one-way messenger:

  • Click Supervisor in the left-hand navigation bar

  • Messaging options will appear at the top of the navigation bar

  • Click the speech bubble to expand the messenger window

  • Type the message you wish to send in the text box
    • The text window is expandable, and there is no maximum number of characters but it is advised to keep one-way messages short so that they can be easily and quickly read by the agent.
  • Choose your recipients:
    • Click the first dropdown to display All Users
      • All Users is the default, followed by an alphabetical list of all agents- by first name. This list is scrollable or you can begin typing to narrow the list, then choose the agent(s) you wish to send to.
    • Click the second dropdown to display All Teams
      • If you would rather send to a specific team, leave the first dropdown at All Users then select the group (Team) of agents you wish to communicate with
  • Click Submit to send your message

If the agent is logged in to CX Route, the message will instantly appear in the top right corner of their screen and will display until they click the X to close the message, or move to another page/area of CX Route.

If the agent is not logged in at the time the message is sent, it will display, along with any other messages the agent has missed, at their next login.

One-Way Messaging is best used to send quick announcements. For sending detailed messages with more options, Two-Way Messaging is recommended.

2. Two-Way Messaging

Supervisor <--> Agent
*This messenger is available to both supervisors and agents

This type of messaging allows supervisors to send messages to agents/teams and agents to send to their teams but also offers expanded options, such as:

  • Mailboxes for all users 
  • Message storage
  • Ability for users to respond to messages
  • Unread message indicator
  • Add attachments to messages
  • Mark messages as urgent
  • Message tracking
  • Acknowledgment flagging (read receipts)
  • Admin-controlled access lists for agents

To access two-way messaging:

  • Click Messages in the left-hand navigation bar

    • If you have unread messages in your Inbox, it will be indicated here
    • If you are online when a message comes in, you will see a notification 


  • By default, the Inbox is displayed

    1. Search bar: begin typing sender/recipient to narrow down the list
      1. Can also click the dropdown to display all Read or Unread
    2. From
    3. To
    4. Subject
    5. Sent Date
    6. Read Date
    7. Urgent: checked/unchecked
    8. Acknowledgement Required: checked/unchecked
    9. Attachment: Y/N

To read a message, click to open:

  1. From
  2. Subject
  3. Urgent: Yes/No
  4. Acknowledgement Required: Yes/No
    • Messages sent with Acknowledgement require the reader to press the Acknowledge button
    • Once the message is acknowledged, the Reply To Message and Done options will appear at the bottom of the message
  5. Attachments
    • Click the download symbol to save the attached file for viewing
  6. Body
  7. Read By: Agent ID# of the recipient
  8. Read On: timestamp of when message was first opened
  9. Actions: Set to Unread
  10. Actions: Forward Message


To send a message, click Compose in the left-hand navigation bar

  • On the Message Details tab:

    1. Please enter Sender Type*: choose whether you are sending FROM a User or Group
      • If Group is selected, a dropdown will appear below allowing you to choose from any groups you are a part of

        *This option is only available to Supervisors
        Agents will see a similar page, without the Sender Type option:
    2. Enter Recipients: begin typing the name you wish to send to
      *Agents will only be shown Groups based on the programs/campaigns that they are members of. Supervisors will see all individual users and groups.
      • Agents will appear as their first and last name (with their user login and agent ID in parentheses)
      • Programs will appear as the Program name (and the word Program in Parentheses)
      • Campaigns will appear as the Campaign name (with the associated Program name in parentheses)
    3. Enter Subject
    4. Enter Message: text box for entering message body
      • The toolbar across the top allows for standard formatting options like bold, underline, italics, text size, text color, hyperlink, etc.
    5. File Attachment: the following file types can be sent (up to 2MB)
      • JPG/JPEG
      • PDF
      • PNG
      • MOV
      • XML
    6. Urgent: Yes/No
      • Flagging a message as urgent will cause it to appear in Red in the Inbox

        • Unread/Urgent messages show as Red
        • Unread/Non-Urgent messages show as Green with the subject in bold
        • Read messages show as Blue

    7. Acknowledgement Required: Yes/No
      • sender receives acknowledgment that the message was opened
  • Once message has been composed, click Send Message 


This page is similar to the Inbox but is used to view all sent messages and their statuses.

From here you can see:

  1. Date/Time the message was sent
  2. Date/Time the message was opened by the recipient
  3. Flag indicating unread urgent message
  4. Check mark indicating urgent message that was read
  5. Check mark indicating that message sent with acknowledgment was opened AND acknowledged by the recipient
  6. Flag indicating that message sent with acknowledgment has not been acknowledged by the recipient
  7. Whether or not message contained attachment

*Messages sent from Supervisors to Teams (multiple users) will appear as individual entries in the Sent box, because each individual recipient is expected to read/respond individually.
Messages sent from Agents to Teams will appear as a group, since only one member of the recipient group is expected to respond. 

 Once submitted, messages can not be unsent or retrieved from a recipient's message box.

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