[ACD] Service Level Report
The content in this article is appropriate for: Administrators and Supervisors
To access this report, click Agent Management in the left-hand navigation bar to drop down the available page options, then click Service Level.
This page shows the service level for all inbound programs and campaigns (Teams). It displays true inbound calls and callbacks as well as IVR and Queue information.
Search for a specific Program/Client ID, Team ID, or Team
Display only a selected date range
Click either the From [date] and/or Through [date] to select a range for viewing
A calendar will pop up, allowing you to select a date.
Displayed on this page will be:
Program/Client ID
Team ID
Team: you can click on the name to drill down into the campaign/program for more details
Campaigns will appear left justified
Programs will appear right justified and in bold text
IVR Drops
Queue Drops
Rolled Out
Service Level %
💡You can sort the columns by clicking on any of the column headers to display the output in low>high, high>low, A>Z, Z>A