Configuring Channels for an Omnichannel Campaign

Configuring Channels for an Omnichannel Campaign

Configuring the SingleComm Messaging Client is simple. This article will outline Step 5: Configuring Messaging Channels

*This article assumes that the previous steps have already occurred.

There are 4 types of messaging campaigns supported by SingleComm Omnichannel. Any campaign can contain one or more type.

Jump to: 

  1. Email
  2. SMS
  3. Webchat
  4. Facebook

1. Setting up an Email Messaging Campaign

Omnichannel Email messaging uses Mailgun. You must have an active Mailgun account to proceed. To sign up for an account, please visit mailgun.com and follow the on-screen instructions.

From the Mailgun website:

  • Log in to mailgun.com
  • Click the dropdown next to your username in the top right
  • Click Account Settings

  • Click Domains in the menu bar at the top of the page

  • Click the domain name to view its settings

    *The above image contains information for a sandbox mailgun account. Sandbox accounts are for trials and testing only.

  • Take note of both the API Key and Domain Name

    *individual results will vary

  The Default SMTP Login is the email address customers will use to contact you!
In the above image, the email address is tied to a temporary test domain. Once you set up subdomains in mailgun, your reply-to address will appear here. For more information on customizing mailgun, click here.

From CX Route:

  • Click Omnichannel Setup in the left-hand navigation bar

  • Click the name of the Messaging Campaign you wish to use
  • On the Channel Configurator page, click Email in the Channel List
  • Enter the API Key, Email Domain, and Reply-To Address

    *Pictured is a "sandbox," or trial mailgun account. A properly configured account can be customized with your domain and specifications.

  • Click Save Configuration
    • A save confirmation will appear above the button

      Once you save, the API Key field will be masked. This is saved but WILL NOT be displayed.

Once all above steps are complete and confirmed, users can email the designated address to reach an agent that has been assigned to the campaign team.

The emails sent from the agent will appear in the customer's mailbox with the Campaign Name as the recipient. For example, if your campaign is titled Product AZ900 Customer Service, the customer will see incoming messages from Product AZ900 Customer Service.

2. Setting up an SMS Messaging Campaign

Omnichannel SMS messaging uses Twilio. You must have an active Twilio account to proceed. To sign up for an account, please visit twilio.com and follow the on-screen instructions.

From the Twilio website:

  • Log in to twilio.com
  • Click on Dashboard in the left-hand navigation bar

  • From the project dashboard, take note of the Account SID and Auth Token

  • In the #Phone Numbers section below that, click Manage Numbers
  • From the Phone Numbers dashboard, click Buy a Number in the left-hand navigation bar

  • Leave all options defaulted and click Search

  • Make sure the number you select has SMS capabilities

  • Click BUY to choose the number, then click Setup Number to be taken to the configuration page
  • Take note of the SID and the Phone Number

Be advised that the phone number that is being used must not be currently configured for any other SMS messaging campaign.

From CX Route:

  • Click Omnichannel Setup in the left-hand navigation bar

  • Click the name of the Messaging Campaign you wish to use
  • On the Channel Configurator page, click SMS in the Channel List
  • Enter the Account SID and Auth Token that were generated during the first part of account setup. (Also available from the Twilio project dashboard)
  • Enter the Phone Number SID
  • Click Authenticate your SMS Account

Once all above steps are complete and confirmed, users can text the designated phone number to chat with an agent.

3. Setting up a Webchat Messaging Campaign

From CX Route:

  • Click Omnichannel Setup in the left-hand navigation bar

  • Click the name of the Messaging Campaign you wish to use
  • On the Channel Configurator page, click Webchat in the Channel List
  • Copy the SingleComm plugin towards the end of the head section on your page.

  • Add your App Token to your website code. This should be placed after the code in the previous step.

Once all above steps are complete and confirmed, the following Chat icon will appear for users on your page:

 You can change the default look of the webchat widget!
Click here to see step-by-step details for changing the appearance of the chat button, or for swapping it out for a custom chat tab.

4. Setting up a Facebook Messaging Campaign

You will need a Facebook developer account. If this has already been done, skip to the next section. If this has not been done, follow these steps:

  • Log in as a developer

    • Click here to go to the Facebook Developer site and create an account
      • click Get Started in the top right
      • follow the onscreen prompts to verify your account with your phone number
      • Enter a name for your app and a contact email
      • Complete the Security Check
      • Follow the prompts to add your first product
        *If you already have a developer login, click My Apps in the top right and Add a New App

    • On the Add a Product page, click Set Up Messenger to add it

      • It will then be added to your My Products at the bottom of the page

    • Click Settings

      The next step requires you to have a Facebook page already created. If your page already exists, skip to the next step.
      Be advised that the Facebook page being used to host this app must not be currently hosting any other messaging campaign.

  • Create a page

    • Scroll to Token Generation and click Create a new page

    • Click Brand or Product

    • Click the Choose a category dropdown and select App page

    • Type in the name of your page and click Get Started

    • Upload a Profile Picture or Skip this step

      *You can come back and add photos later if you wish

    • Upload a Cover Photo or Skip this step

    • When you are taken to your page, click + Add a Button

    • On the button pop-up, click the Contact You dropdown

    • Click Send Message

    • Click Next to go to Step 2

    • Click the Facebook Messenger area to choose it and to activate the Finish button

    • Click Finish to save and close the button settings

    • The button on your page should now read Send Message

  • Generate a page token for your app

    Now that your page is set up, generate a token
    • Return to the Facebook Developers page and click your app's name to access its settings
    • Scroll to Token Generation, which will now give you the option to select your page from the dropdown (you may need to refresh the page for it to appear)
    • Select your page

      *You may see this message. You will submit your app for review in a later step
      • Click Continue as USERNAME
    • Click the Token to copy it to the clipboard

       Create a text file to store this token. 

  • Obtain your App ID and Secret

  • In the left-hand navigation bar, drop down Settings and click Basic

    • On the Basic Settings page, ensure that you input the following information:
      • App icon (must be 1024x1024 square image file)
      • URL to your privacy policy
      • Category (choose one from the dropdown)
        *These 3 items are not needed for testing the app but will be required for app submittal, the others are optional and may also be filled out at this time.
    • Copy the App ID and paste it into the text document where the Page Token is stored
    • Click Show to expose the App Secret, then copy and paste it into the text document

    • Click Save Changes 

  • In the left-hand navigation bar, click on Messenger / Settings
    • In the App Review for Messenger section, click Add to Submission for the pages_messaging option
      • On the pages_messaging pop-up:
      • Choose your page from the Select a Page dropdown
      • Select the option Your Messenger experience doesn't include automated replies (ex: live messaging)
        *This feature is optional and can be included and configured here, or at a later time. For this example, auto-replies will not be used.
    • Click Save to close the pop-up

*Before you submit your app for review, it can be added to a campaign for testing.

  • Test your app

From CX Route:

  • Click Omnichannel Setup in the left-hand navigation bar
  • Click the name of the Messaging Campaign you wish to use
  • On the Channel Configuration page, click Facebook in the Channel List

  • Paste your Access Token, App ID, and App Secret

  • Click Authenticate your Facebook Account

Once authenticated, the Delete Configuration button will activate and the Access Token and App Secret will be masked. This information is NOT STORED in CX Route.

  • Add an agent to the campaign
    • Click Agent Management in the left-hand navigation bar
    • Scroll or search for the agent you wish to add to the campaign
    • Click the agent to access their settings
    • Click the Teams tab
    • Scroll to find the Program/ Campaign and click the checkbox to add the agent
    • Click Update at the bottom of the list to save and close

Once all above steps are complete and confirmed, users will be able to click the Send Message button on your Facebook page to interact with an available agent:

From the Facebook page:

  • Hover over Send Message
  • Click Test Button

  • Send a test message to the available agent

From CX Route:

The available agent will receive the Facebook chat message and can respond

Once you have successfully sent messages back and forth from Facebook to and Agent, the app should be submitted to Facebook for review.

In the left-hand navigation bar, click App Review

  • Click Add Items
  • Select manage_pages
  • Click Add 1 item
  • Click Add Details for manage_pages and choose the options that apply to you
  • Click Save

In the left-hand navigation bar, click Messenger / Settings

  • Click Submit for Review
    • Accept the terms and click Submit

  • Click OK to close the submission successful message

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