Adding Dispositions to an Omnichannel Campaign

Adding Dispositions to an Omnichannel Campaign

 Configuring the SingleComm Messaging Client is simple. This article will outline Step 3: Adding and Using Custom Dispositions 

*This article assumes that the previous steps have already occurred

Jump to:

  1. What are Dispositions?
  2. Standard Dispositions
  3. Custom Dispositions
  4. Viewing Dispositions in CX Explore

1. What are Dispositions?

The disposition is the the outcome of the agent/customer conversation. Like in a call campaign, it is recorded by the agent at the end of the exchange.

Omnichannel conversations can be dispositioned by clicking either of the 2 available Disposition buttons in the agent chat window.

2. Standard Dispositions

By default, any Omnichannel messaging campaign will be created with three dispositions for the agent to choose from:

  • Sale
  • Abandon*
    *This is the displayed value of a conversation that is auto-dispositioned. After 20 minutes of no activity, a disposition of Abandon will be assigned to the conversation and the session will be ended. 
  • Test

3. Custom Dispositions

In addition to the three default dispositions, campaign creators also have the ability to add their own dispositions.

How to Create

From Omnichannel Setup:

  • Click the title of the campaign you wish to add custom dispositions to
  • Click the Dispositions tab
  • Click Add Disposition

    • Disposition options will expand:

      • Label: This is what will be displayed to the agent in the Dispositions dropdown
      • Code: This is what will be shown in CX Explore reporting (characters in the Code field will be in ALL CAPS)
    • Once the Label and Code have been filled in, click Save Disposition and it will be added to the list of All Dispositions beneath the default options

From this page, you can:

  1. Create additional custom dispositions
  2. Adjust Visibility to show All/Active/Inactive dispositions
  3. Search for a disposition by typing its label or code
    • Begin by entering in a disposition label, and the list will refine as you type
  4. Edit/Arrange existing dispositions

How to Edit/Arrange

On any existing disposition (standard or custom):

  • Click  to edit the Label/Code
  • Click and then drag the disposition up/down to change the order in which it will appear to the agent
  • Click to change the status from Active to Inactive
    • Inactive dispositions are indicated by a blue icon Screen_Shot_2018-03-21_at_10.45.10_AM.png
  • Click to delete the disposition

4. Viewing Dispositions in CX Explore

Omnichannel session data can be viewed on the CX Explore platform, using the same dimensions* that would be used for a traditional call campaign.

*One exception to this is the Disposition Category dimension. At this time, Omnichannel campaigns only utilize single dispositions that are not categorized or grouped.

More information on creating reports can be found here: 
Analyzing Data in CX Explore
Viewing Omnichannel Session Data in CX Explore

To view the next step in the process, Configuring Channels, click here