Field Validity
CX Create offers an optional layer of validation for select fields.
By default, the validity of all fields defaults to Always, meaning that all input is processed at face value. By assigning a validity check, the field's data is subject to verification before the call can proceed (the slide's NEXT button will remain deactivated until the validity conditions have been satisfied). There are three types of validation available on select fields in CX Create.
1. Zip Code Validation
A behind-the-scenes lookup process run by CX Create in order to determine whether or not the zip/postal code is a P.O. Box-only zip code. This feature is not available on all versions of CX Create. For successful validation, it is recommended that some version of "P.O. Box" is entered into Address Lines 1, 2, or 3 (see examples below).
- Available on the following fields: Address field only
*This is different from zip code pattern matching (discussed below)
How to configure:
- Browse to the Script Graph/ Address field/ Field settings
- Zip code validation is unchecked [enabled] by default
- Clicking the checkbox turns the feature OFF
*This validation must be disabled if using a third party postal code integration
Certain zip codes have been classified as "non-deliverable" by the United States Postal service, which means that anything sent within that zip code must be sent to a P.O. Box.
Checking this box means that the zip code lookup is disabled and shipments to the address given will be processed regardless of zip code.
Be advised that if the client uses a delivery service that does not deliver to P.O. Boxes (including UPS and some FedEx services), and this option is selected [Disabled], the shipment will be processed and sent, but may be returned to sender as undeliverable.
Only the following P.O. Box formats are recognized as valid when typed into Address lines 1, 2, or 3:
- box
- po box
- p.o.b.
- pob
- pob#
- p.o. box
- po-box
- p.o.-box
- PO-Box
- p.o box
- pobox
- p-o-box
- p-o box
- post office box
- P.O. Box
- PO Box
- PO box
- box 1234
- Box1234
- Box-1234
- PO Box 1234
2. Condition-Based Validation
A field's validity can be determined based on the same type of Always/Never/All of the following/Any of the following rules used for Visibility and Mirroring.
- Available on the following fields:
- Button
- Credit/debit card
- Text input
- Text input (multi-line)
How to configure:
- Browse to the Script Graph/ Field Settings of the selected field
- Click Validity
- Click the dropdown to select the Always/ Never*/ All of the Following/ Any of the Following option
- Click the remaining dropdowns to configure the rest of the If condition
- Click Update to save and close the pop-up
In the above example, the Button field will only be deemed valid ONLY IF the checkboxes field includes the 1pay option. "Valid" simply means that it can be clicked (to trigger an integration). In all CX Create scripts, every field must be valid before the agent can advance to the Next slide.
Use caution when configuring this feature!
By default, all script fields are valid. Utilizing condition-based validation means that an agent's progress through a script is dependent on the validity of the selected fields. Validity differs from visibility, so it may be more suitable to make certain fields hidden with conditions, rather than invalid.
*Why is there an option to set the validity of a field to Never?
The above modal uses the same design for condition-based validity as for condition based visibility and condition-based mirroring. The "Never" option exists here only for the consistency of the menu options between features. It should NOT be used, as setting field validation to NEVER means that the script would not be able to progress, under any circumstances, once it hits the slide that has the field with this configuration.
3. Pattern Matching
Input must match the pre-set standard coded into the CX Create platform.
- Available on the following fields:
- Text input
- Text input (multi-line)
How to configure:
- Browse to the Script Graph/ Field Settings of the selected Text input field
- Click Validity
- On the pop-up, click the Pattern matching dropdown and click to select one of the following options:
- free text: [default option/ no pattern matching validation] Letters, numbers and the following characters are all acceptable- !@#$%^&*()_+-={}[]|\:;"'<>,.?/
- email: Value should contain one or more characters, an @ symbol, followed by one or more characters, and a domain (.com, .net, .edu, etc)
Text cannot contain spaces or the following characters ^<>()[],;:" - letters only: Field must contain only letters
- numbers: Field must contain only numbers
- phone number: Field can contain both letters and numbers, but must have a minimum of 1 number. Can also contain the following characters +.-()
- NANP phone number: Must contain a valid North American Numbering Plan phone number. Can contain letters, numbers and +-.#
- postal code: Field can only contain letters, numbers, and -
- postal code (US/CA): Field can only contain letters, numbers and either a 1 or a space used as a separator.
When matching a US zip code, field is limited to 10 characters when a separator is used, or 9 when it is not.
When matching a Canada postal code, field is limited to 7 characters when a separator is used, or 6 when it is not. - URL: Field should be a valid URL. Does not need to contain www.
- Click Update to save and close the pop-up