Payment Plans

Payment Plans

CX Create can support multiple payment plans. These are set within the cart after tax options are added and before the SKUs are configured.

A Payment Plan refers only to the number of payments required to equal the total cost of the sale, and does not refer to payment type (credit card, check).

  1. How Many Payment Plans Are Needed?
  2. Adding Payment Plans
  3. Step-by-Step: Configuring a Cart With Multiple Payment Plans

1. How Many Payment Plans Are Needed?

The first step in configuring payment plans is to decide how many are required. This information usually comes from a script directive. Every script with a cart and SKUs requires a minimum of 1 payment plan. The maximum number of plans supported by the cart is 16.

As mentioned above, the payment plans are added during the Cart configuration process. This article assumes that all of the previous steps have been completed. For more information on building a Selling Script, click here.

2. Adding Payment Plans

From the Cart field (tax options and billing/shipping fields have already been configured):

  • Click Add plan

  • The default CX Create 1-Pay (USD) plan settings are shown:

    • Label [1-Pay (USD)]: Label is shown in the Cart, so it is recommended that the plan be named to match its settings
    • Number of Payments [1]: click dropdown to select the number of installments the plan will require (1-16)
    • Currency [USD - US dollars]: click dropdown to select the supported currency type, listed with USD, CAD, and EUR at the top and then alphabetically by abbreviation.

    • Description [optional]
    • Active conditions [defaults to Always] click to select from the options available:

      • Payment Plan conditions (Always/Never/All of the Following/Any of the Following) follow the same rules as Dynamic Conditional text.
      • Click each dropdown to select the appropriate conditions:

    • Additional conditions: 
      • If there is more than one requirement for this plan, click this button to add another blank condition. 
    • Remove conditions:
      • Click this button to remove a condition
    • Nested conditions:

      • Click this button to create another set of rules to be contained within the condition statement is is nested under. 

        ^^^In this example, the One Pay and CCLAST4 if/then rules are nested within the Ship Address condition. 
        The condition will be satisfied only IF Ship Address = United States /AND IF EITHER One Pay = Yes OR CCLAST4 = Yes

3. Step-by-Step: Configuring a Cart With Multiple Payment Plans

The following are the actions required to set up a basic selling script with three payment plans.

Sample script contains checkboxes of 4 items for sale and a set of radio buttons for each of the payment options:

From the Cart's Field Settings:

For the First Payment Plan:

  • Click Add plan

  • On the Plan pop-up:
    • Label: 1-Pay (USD) [this is the default and can remain as-is]
    • Number of Payments: 1 [this is the default and can remain as-is]
    • Currency: USD- US dollars [this is the default and can remain as-is]
    • Description: can be left blank
    • Active conditions:
      • All of the following
        • If (click the dropdown to reveal the script's field labels)

          ^^^In the sample script used, the Payment Type Radio field added to the script is labelled "Payment".
          • Click to select Payment
        • Click to select Is
        • (click the next dropdown to reveal the script's field labels)

          ^^^In the sample script used, the Values for the Payment Radio buttons= 1 pay/2 pay/3 pay
          • Click to select 1 pay

        • Click Create to save and close the Payment Plan
      • The Payment plan will now appear in the Cart Field Settings

        • Plan settings can be viewed/modified at any time by clicking the plan name

For the Second Payment Plan:

  • Click Add plan
    • Label: 2-Pay (USD)
    • Number of Payments: 2
    • Currency: [leave at default USD-US dollars]
    • Description: [leave blank]
    • Active Conditions:
      • All of the following
        • If Payment / is / 2 pay
  • Click Create

For the Third Payment Plan:

  • Click Add plan
    • Label: 3-Pay (USD)
    • Number of Payments: 3
    • Currency: [leave at default USD-US dollars]
    • Description: [leave blank]
    • Active Conditions:
      • All of the following
        • If Payment / is / 3 pay
  • Click Create

All 3 Payment Plans now appear in Cart Field Settings:

*Now that payment plans have been created, the Add SKU and Import SKUs button will appear.

For more information on configuring SKUs, see:
SKUs (Part 1)

SKUs (Part 2): Configuring Advanced SKU Features