Advanced SKU Features
This article will walk you through the setup of a number of advanced SKU configurations, including:
- SKUs w/ Quantity Conditions That are Not Adjustable
- SKUs w/ Quantity That is Adjustable In the Cart
- SKUs w/ Quantity That is Manually Adjustable From the Script
- SKU Price Adjustments for Quantity Discounts
If you are not familiar with basic SKU settings, it is advised that you read Part 1 of this article first.
The following scenarios all start with a script that has these features:
- Cart with 3 SKUs:
- Widget A
- Widget B
- Widget C
- 3 payment plans in the Cart:
- 1-pay
- 2-pay
- 3-pay
- SKU conditions based on a set of Checkboxes (multi-select)
- Pay plan conditions based on a set of Radio buttons (single-select)
1. SKUs w/ Quantity Conditions That are Not Adjustable
This is the most basic, out-of-the-box setup option.
By default, the SKU setting for Manually adjustable quantity is selected; however, in order to make the quantity manually adjustable- there must be a Number/Quantity field associated with it. That will be covered in the third section of this article.
If the script has no Number/Quantity field tied to the SKU, this setting will not engage.
Unselecting the option will have no effect.
To ensure that the quantity is also not adjustable from within the Cart, the setting for Quantity controls in cart should remain unchecked.
In the above configuration, once the product is selected, the SKU is added to the cart at a quantity of 1. This quantity can not be adjusted from the script nor can it be modified inside the cart.
2. SKUs w/ Quantity That is Adjustable In the Cart
One option for adjusting an item's quantity is to make it adjustable inside the cart. To do this:
- Access the SKU settings inside the cart
- Select the option for Quantity controls in cart
- Repeat this for each SKU that you would like to adjust inside the cart
In the above configuration, once the SKU is added to the cart, an adjustable quantity control will be present. The quantity can be adjusted up/down using the arrows or by typing a number in the field (within the min/max limits set on the SKU, if applicable).
3. SKUs w/ Quantity That is Manually Adjustable From the Script
As mentioned in section 1, in order for a SKU to be adjustable from inside the script, it must have a Number/Quantity field associated with it and that field must also be mirrored into the cart. To configure this:
- Add three Number/Quantity fields below the product selection Checkboxes
- Because Checkboxes are multi-select, more than one product choice may be added to the cart. Therefore, you'll need to allow a separate Number/Quantity field for each SKU.
- [Optional setting]- assign visibility conditions to each of these fields.
For example: Number/Quantity for Widget A will only appear if Widget A checkbox is selected. - There are also numerous other options that can be set on the Number/Quantity fields. To learn more about these options, click here.
- Because Checkboxes are multi-select, more than one product choice may be added to the cart. Therefore, you'll need to allow a separate Number/Quantity field for each SKU.
- The values for each of the Number/Quantity fields must be mirrored to the cart
- Click the Widget A Quantity field to view its settings
- Click Mirroring
- Set the local value to Mirror To \ Cart - Widget A (Quantity)
- Click Update to save and close the pop-up
- Set the local value to Mirror To \ Cart - Widget A (Quantity)
- Repeat for the Widget B and Widget C Quantities
The quantities typed into the script fields are immediately reflected in the cart.
The Quantity Controls in Cart SKU option can be used in conjunction with this feature!
Because the value is only mirrored one way (from script to cart), the destination value is still adjustable if Quantity Controls are enabled.
4. SKU Price Adjustments for Quantity Discounts
CX Create allows you to set up quantity discounts using the price override feature.
For example: If caller agrees to buying 3+ of the same widget, a 50% discount will be applied to each.
To configure this using the SKU setup from the test cases above:
- Access the Sticky Slide
- View the plan settings for the SKU (Widget A)
- Click Set quantity conditions
- On the Quantity Conditions pop-up, click Add price adjustment
- Add the Quantity Price settings:
- Range:
- min: 3
- max: 5*
*5 is set as the max on this range because the Maximum quantity for the SKU was set to 5 units (see pic above). If no maximum is set, then it can be left blank.
- Per-unit price: [must be manually entered based on full price amount of $10]
- 5
- Per-unit shipping and handling: [in this example, stays as-is with no adjustment]
- 2.49
- Payment prices (per-unit): [total of adjusted item price plus s&h]
- 7.49
- Active conditions: Conditions are inapplicable for adjustable SKUs
If SKU was not configured with Manually adjustable quantity or Quantity controls in cart, then conditions for the range of items could be set.
For example:
^This represents a different type of price override in which the discount is given on the third unit but ONLY IF the caller has chosen 1-pay.
- Range:
- Click Add adjustment to save the change
You can now view the Price adjustment, and from this pop-up, you can:
Edit the price adjustment
Delete the price adjustment
Create another price adjustment for this SKU
Because this price adjustment was for 3-5 items and the SKU is set to a maximum of 5 items, another price adjustment would not be permitted. The following error would be displayed on the pop-up: - Click Update to save and close the pop-up
- Click Update to save and close the SKU
The SKU used for this example (Widget A) was configured in a script that contains 3 different payment plans (1-pay, 2-pay, 3-pay). Because the script defaults to 1-pay, the price adjustment that was configured above was set ONLY for the 1-pay plan. If the price adjustment is applicable to the 2-pay and 3-pay terms as well, separate price adjustments must be created.
Repeat the above steps to create the adjustments for the remaining payment plans on Widget A:
- View the plan settings for the SKU (Widget A)
- Click the dropdown to change to the 2-pay plan
- Click Set quantity conditions
- Click Add price adjustment
- Input the adjust price settings
- Click Add Adjustment to save and close
- Repeat the above steps for the 3-pay plan, entering adjusted prices as necessary
- Repeat the above steps for the remaining SKUs* (Widget B, Widget C), entering adjusted prices as needed.
*If applicable
When viewed in the script during a call:
- single item added to cart:
Item charged at full price ($10) plus s&h - item(x2)
Both items charged at full price ($10 each) plus s&h - item(x3)
All 3 items reflect the bulk discount ($5 each) plus s&h