CX Create supports multiple options for adding sales tax to items in the cart. This is configured within the Plan Settings of each individual SKU.

  1. Hard-Coded Tax Amounts*
  2. Third Party Tax Integrations

*Currently, tax amounts are only supported for the United States and Canada.

1. Hard-Coded Tax Amounts

For easy calculation, there are sales tax amounts built in to CX Create if you choose to use them.

This article assumes that all of the previous script building steps have been completed. For more information on creating a Selling Script, click here.


From the Cart Field settings:

  • Private?: [Not a tax option. For details on setting a slide as private, click here]
  • Spread tax?: [Defaulted off] When enabled and used in conjunction with multiple pay plans, this setting determines whether the total tax amount in the cart should be added into the first payment or spread evenly amongst each payment.

    ^^^Tax amount is divided amongst the three payments resulting in equal payment installments.

    ^^^If Spread Tax is NOT enabled, the full tax amount will be added to the first installment.

  • Disable system tax lookup?: [Defaulted off /tax lookup enabled] This setting, when selected will turn OFF CX Create's internal automatic tax lookup. When items are added to the cart, NO TAX will be added, regardless of the SKU settings or the tax amount for that jurisdiction.

    Using a third party tax lookup integration? This feature can be used in conjunction with that. Skip to the next section for details.

    This setting overrides:
    • SKU tax settings

      ^^^ Either Tax (price) or Tax (price, s&h)
    • All tax jurisdictions (checked or unchecked)

Tax Jurisdictions

70 total- all are defaulted on. This scrollable dropdown is a list of all 10 Canadian provinces, all 3 Canadian territories, plus all 50 U.S. states, Washington D.C., all U.S. territories including Puerto Rico, U.S. Minor Outlying Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
When a SKU is set as taxable, CX Create will perform an internal sales tax lookup based on the jurisdiction, and assign the sales tax amount in the cart.

In this dropdown, you can also Check AllUncheck All, and Search by typing in the text box.

Tax jurisdictions are not selectable when the Disable system tax lookup feature is enabled.

Plan Settings

From SKU settings/Plan settings:

  • Taxable:
    • No (default)- no additional costs are applied to the SKU's total
    • Tax (price)- The current hard-coded sales tax rate (based on the shipping address zip code) is multiplied by the item cost and added to the cart total.
    • Tax (price, shipping & handling)- The current hard-coded sales tax rate based on the shipping address zip code is multiplied by the item cost PLUS the cost of shipping and handling and added to the cart

For Multi-Pay SKUs:

  • Click the Select a plan to edit dropdown
  • Click the multi-pay plan you wish to configure

    *If the selected SKU has an associated 1-Pay plan and Taxable options had already been configured, those options will carry over to the multi-pay plans as well.

    All other settings on the multi-pay plan pages still need to be configured!
  • Once all plans have been configured for the SKU, click Update to save and close the SKU settings

2. Third Party Tax Integrations

CX Create also supports the use of third party integrations* for tax lookup.
*For more information on integrations in general, click here or speak to your Account Executive, as there may be an additional cost associated with use.

Before connecting any tax lookup integration:

  • Disable system tax lookup must be selected in the Cart Field Settings

Once system tax lookup is disabled [checked], and the integration is triggered, the tax amount will appear in the cart. If system tax lookup is enabled [unchecked], the third party tax amount would replace the CX Create-assigned amount from the automatic lookup when the integration is triggered.

Depending on the tax integration used, this can be triggered by the Cart, or by a button in the script.