Using the Agent Console*
The SingleComm platform allows for call handling, scripting, and in-depth reporting. The common term for the platform is ACD (Automated Call Distributor)
Logging In:
Always use Google Chrome to get started as it is the most compatible web browser. Be sure to plug your headset in before opening Google Chrome. Allow microphone if your computer asks once you are in SingleComm.
Located on your homepage, desktop, or bookmarks should be a link to the SingleComm website. If not able to access please obtain URL from administrator.
Once opened you will be prompted to login:
Do Not check the remember me box. If other users need to use this computer we don't want your information saved.
Enter your credentials:
Login: firstname_lastname (all lowercase)
Password: Given by Instructor
Navigation Panel – This is the dark grey area on the left side of the ACD. Any tab you select will highlight blue so you know that is what you are on.
When you log in you are on your Dashboard. Displayed in the top left corner of the ACD is your name and ID. Make sure you are logged in as you.
My profile: Do Not edit without permission
- Employee profile photo
- Profile details which has employee Title, First name, Middle name, Last name, and suffix
- Login/ E-mail Address – Do Not change unless instructed to
- Password – you will need to change this password every 90 days (You will be prompted to change it the first time you login at 90 days)
Dashboard Options:
- Agent Spiff Report – allows you to see what commission you have earned. You can date range or pick specific days.
- Agent Attendance Report - allows you to track your attendance. You can date range or pick specific days.
- Agent Report Card – allows you to see your performance in different Campaigns versus the performance of the overall Campaign.
If you have navigated away from the dashboard you can always return to it by clicking in the navigation panel.
Your logout button is located in the top right corner of the ACD. It is visible when on Dashboard.
Click in the navigation panel to begin call handling process.
Your ACD should look similar to the above picture. Your navigation panel has changed and now you have agent statuses in the top right corner. Also, your utilization is displayed.
Once you are on the Agent Tab Do Not click it a second time. You Do Not have to click Agent Tab after each call or navigate away from this page in the ACD to handle calls.
If you did click it a second time you will get the above message and should log out, then back in.
Feedback is best submitted while on the call or before disposition. No need to write out a paragraph. Be precise with the description of issues. (Example: script took longer than usual to pop) Then click Submit.
After you have clicked the circled button above, you will have a feedback box that pops. This is solely intended for Technical Related Issues. Anything that should not happen with the ACD such as but not limited to:
- Caller cannot hear you
- You cannot hear callers
- Bad static or call is going in and out
- Script took longer than usual to pop
- Call appeared to have just
Manual Choice:
There are a few things you can do manually.
- Voicemail - DO NOT use this option as automated Voicemails are not left.
- Scheduled Callbacks - this allows you to view your scheduled callbacks. They will automatically pop for you at the designated time but you can always access them here in advance.
- Manual Dial - allows you to enter a phone number, select a script/product you are allocated for, and dial the lead.
Click the three dots to collapse Feedback or Manual options.
Agent Status:
- Available – click this option to become available to handle calls. Only if top right Status displays Available to pick up calls will you get any. (After you handle calls the message may display Disconnected below the Available to pick up calls Status. This just means you are disconnected from your last call and can receive more.) If you are allocated for outbound dials your dial button will appear on the left side of ACD. If you are not an Outbound agent simply wait for an Inbound call.
- On Break – click this to see list of On Break options. You cannot receive calls in this status. Always go under the proper status as it affects utilization.
- Offline – when you initially come to take calls your status is Offline. You cannot receive calls in this status. Use offline as instructed by your supervisor at times.
When you receive a call:
- You first hear a Call Connection Notification/ Whisper (Beep Beep) in your headset. (Your caller can hear you as soon as you hear that beep beep)
- Your status in top right corner will change from Available to pick up calls to Call in progress.
- Your script will pop within a few seconds for you to obtain your sale.
Script Pop:
Your script will pop in the circled area below. And your Utilization information disappears.
Always use the to navigate through the script. They are located in the bottom right of your script.
Never use buttons located in the top left of the Google Chrome browser.
Your call features will pop on the left side of ACD once you are on a call.
Make sure to ALWAYS click the buttons labeled Finish/Submit/Process order at the end of a sale for your order to show up, customer to get order, and for you to be paid.
Once your caller has hung up, you will see your status say in top right corner.
At the end of your call you will need to select a Disposition before you are able to move onto next call.
Stop Calls:
You will notice on your Disposition page it asks if you would like to take a break. If you leave it at No, after you submit the page it will make you available for next call. If you wanted to stop calls you could select one of the option and the ACD will put you in that status no allowing calls to come to you.
Simply click the submit button after you have followed the proper closing steps (script, obtained all info necessary, processed order, and dispositioned correctly) to move on to the next call.