Setting Auto-Logout for Agents
Agents that remain in a certain state* longer than the configurable limit can be automatically logged out of CX Route.
*These instructions do not include modifications to Break or Offline statuses. Those are configurable separately and discussed in section 3 of this article.
- Configuring the Pause Codes
- Auto-Logout Exceptions
- System Status Adjustments
- Identify Supervisor Message Recipients
1. Configuring the Pause Codes
Agent Status Pause Codes are defined in CX Route for each cluster. In order to enable the auto-logoff feature, the selected pause codes must be edited individually.
To access the pause codes:
- Click Administrator in the left-hand navigation bar to expand the options
- Click Agent Status Pause Codes
- Click the # of the pause code you wish to edit
- Modify the following fields
- Warning Seconds: the number of seconds after the agent enters the selected state that the agent (and supervisor if allowed) will receive a "Keep Moving" warning
- Warning - Supervisor Notification: [defaults to No] If Yes, will also send a warning message to the supervisor in addition to the agent
- Auto Log Off Seconds: the number of seconds after the agent enters the selected state that the agent will be logged off of CX Route
- Warning Seconds: the number of seconds after the agent enters the selected state that the agent (and supervisor if allowed) will receive a "Keep Moving" warning
What about when agents are on a call or in a chat?
Agents that are in any busy status will not be logged off. They will only be subjected to auto-logoffs once they change to a non-busy (break or offline) status.
Busy statuses include:
- Manual Dial
- Connecting
- In Chat
- Chat [External]
- In Call
2. Auto-Logout Exceptions
Auto-Logout exceptions are not required, but highly suggested. The most common use case would be the Supervisors group, which can/should remain logged in for extended periods of time, given that they will not always be in an active status.
To create an exception:
Create the ACE
- Click Administrator / Access Control Entries
- Click New Entry
- Click Administrator / Access Control Entries
Always double check before creating a new entry!
Search the existing ACEs to make sure nothing similar already exists.
- On the Entry Details tab:
- Description: Agent Auto Signout Overrride
- Type: Permission
- Option: noautosignout
- Ordinal Position [leave blank]
- Suspended: No
- Click Update to save the ACE
Create the ACL
- Click Administrator/ Access Control List
- Click New List
- Set the following List details (the other options are not related)
- Access Control Entry: select the ACE that you created in the previous step
- Group Subject: select Supervisors (or any group you wish to exclude)
- Click Update to save the ACL
- Click Administrator/ Access Control List
3. System Status Adjustments
Certain agent states can not be configured for auto-logoff using the above method, but can be set by a configuration change on the backend.
- Offline
- Break (agent does not select a pause code, only clicks Break)
- To make changes to these settings, a Service Desk request must be made to Prod Support for a change to the CX Route database.
In Disposition (Wrapping Up):
An exception to the above system states, along with the pause codes, is the In-Dispo status that and agent will enter into after a call. This is configured as part of the campaign setup.
In Programs\ Campaign:
- Dispositioning tab
- Disposition Warning Threshold: similar to "Warning Seconds"
- Maximum Disposition Threshold: similar to "Auto Log Off Seconds"
- Maximum Disposition Code: for reporting in CX Explore
4. Identify Supervisor Message Recipients
Any time an agent logs on or off (manually or automatically), their supervisor receives a pop-up message. In addition to that, any time an agent receives an auto-logoff warning, a CX Route pop-up message will be sent to them and to their supervisor (if allowed, see section 1). This could create a lot of incoming messages for supervisors so to cut down on the number of pop-ups, the messages are sent only to supervisors who are part of the Supervisor Message Bubbles group. Add/Remove this group to/from selected supervisors in Agent Management.
*This step is optional. All auto-logoff warnings are still sent to the agent.
If this group does not exist, it can be created in Administrator / User Groups with the following settings: