Setting Auto-Logout for Agents

Setting Auto-Logout for Agents

Agents that remain in a certain state* longer than the configurable limit can be automatically logged out of CX Route.

*These instructions do not include modifications to Break or Offline statuses. Those are configurable separately and discussed in section 3 of this article.

  1. Configuring the Pause Codes
  2. Auto-Logout Exceptions
  3. System Status Adjustments
  4. Identify Supervisor Message Recipients

1. Configuring the Pause Codes

Agent Status Pause Codes are defined in CX Route for each cluster. In order to enable the auto-logoff feature, the selected pause codes must be edited individually.

To access the pause codes:

  • Click Administrator in the left-hand navigation bar to expand the options

  • Click Agent Status Pause Codes

  • Click the # of the pause code you wish to edit
  • Modify the following fields

    • Warning Seconds: the number of seconds after the agent enters the selected state that the agent (and supervisor if allowed) will receive a "Keep Moving" warning

    • Warning - Supervisor Notification: [defaults to No] If Yes, will also send a warning message to the supervisor in addition to the agent

    • Auto Log Off Seconds: the number of seconds after the agent enters the selected state that the agent will be logged off of CX Route

 What about when agents are on a call or in a chat?
Agents that are in any busy status will not be logged off. They will only be subjected to auto-logoffs once they change to a non-busy (break or offline) status.

Busy statuses include:

  • Manual Dial
  • Connecting
  • In Chat
  • Chat [External]
  • In Call

2. Auto-Logout Exceptions

Auto-Logout exceptions are not required, but highly suggested. The most common use case would be the Supervisors group, which can/should remain logged in for extended periods of time, given that they will not always be in an active status. 

To create an exception:

  • Create the ACE

    • Click Administrator Access Control Entries

    • Click New Entry

 Always double check before creating a new entry!
Search the existing ACEs to make sure nothing similar already exists.

    • On the Entry Details tab:

      • Description: Agent Auto Signout Overrride
      • Type: Permission
      • Option: noautosignout
      • Ordinal Position [leave blank]
      • Suspended: No
      • Click Update to save the ACE

  • Create the ACL

    • Click Administrator/ Access Control List

    • Click New List
    • Set the following List details (the other options are not related)

      • Access Control Entry: select the ACE that you created in the previous step
      • Group Subject: select Supervisors (or any group you wish to exclude)
    • Click Update to save the ACL

3. System Status Adjustments

Certain agent states can not be configured for auto-logoff using the above method, but can be set by a configuration change on the backend.

  • Offline
  • Break (agent does not select a pause code, only clicks Break)

  • To make changes to these settings, a Service Desk request must be made to Prod Support for a change to the CX Route database.

In Disposition (Wrapping Up):

An exception to the above system states, along with the pause codes, is the In-Dispo status that and agent will enter into after a call.  This is configured as part of the campaign setup.

In Programs\ Campaign:

  • Dispositioning tab
    • Disposition Warning Threshold: similar to "Warning Seconds"
    • Maximum Disposition Threshold: similar to "Auto Log Off Seconds"
    • Maximum Disposition Code: for reporting in CX Explore

4. Identify Supervisor Message Recipients

Any time an agent logs on or off (manually or automatically), their supervisor receives a pop-up message. In addition to that, any time an agent receives an auto-logoff warning, a CX Route pop-up message will be sent to them and to their supervisor (if allowed, see section 1). This could create a lot of incoming messages for supervisors so to cut down on the number of pop-ups, the messages are sent only to supervisors who are part of the Supervisor Message Bubbles group. Add/Remove this group to/from selected supervisors in Agent Management.

*This step is optional. All auto-logoff warnings are still sent to the agent.

If this group does not exist, it can be created in Administrator / User Groups with the following settings: