CX Route also allows for easy call reviews by external auditors. 

For more information and detailed instructions on internal auditing, click here.

  1. Who Can Audit Calls?
  2. Where Does the Auditor Review the Calls?
  3. What is the Auditing Process?
  4. How Can Audit Data Be Viewed?

1. Who Can Audit Calls?

Externals audits are completed by a third party. Users must be part of the External Auditors group in CX Route in order to view the Audit Module. 

2. Where Does the Auditor Review the Calls?

External Audits are accessed from the Audit Module section of CX Route. 

3. What is the Auditing Process?

Inside the Audit Module, the auditor will be presented with the options for which they have been given permissions:

^^^This user is a member of the External Auditors group only. Other options that may be presented here include Create Compliance Event* and Configuration Settings (available if user is a supervisor and member of the Compliance Event Users group).
*For more information on Compliance Events, click

To begin an audit:

  • Click Auditing to load the External Auditor List

This list has a default filter of 1 day!
Not seeing enough (or any) results? This list will display with a filter of [Started At= is in the past 1 day]. To display a broader range, adjust that filter:

  • Click Filters, then adjust the value

    *Any or all of the above filters can be modified to suit your needs. These changes will not be saved when you exit the Audit Module.
  • Click Run to regenerate the call list with the adjusted parameters

The above list will display all of the calls that are available for auditing.

  • Click the Audit Call Link in the right-hand column

On the Audit pop-up:

  1. Press Play/Pause to listen to or pause the recorded audio
    • You can also adjust the audio volume
  2. Assign a star rating 1-5 (part of the Agent Feedback tab)
  3. Leave a Message for the agent that will display on their Performance Feedback page
    *For more info, see section 4: Viewing Audit Data
  4. Click the Supervisor Feedback tab to leave Comments for the agent's supervisor, or to flag the call

    • On the Supervisor Feedback tab, calls can be flagged as either Good Sample Call or Remove Agent From Program. These flags are searchable 

Once the audit is complete, click Submit Feedback to send the results and to remove the Session ID from the External Auditor List (calls cannot be audited more than once).

  4. Viewing Audit Data

Supervisors can view all data from external audits in CX Explore*, or select data in the Supervisor Performance Feedback Report Dashboard in the Reports module.
*Star Rating and Good Sample/Remove Agent flags can only be viewed from within CX Explore.

  • Click Reports in the left-hand navigation bar

  • Click Browse Reports, then choose Supervisor Performance Feedback Report from the dropdown

Agents are able to see an embedded CX Explore dashboard with their overall score (individual scores are not exposed to agents) and other audit data in Performance Feedback.

*For a more information on viewing external audit data in CX Explore, see the article titled Viewing External Audit Data in CX Explore.