[WorkFlow] Dynamic Text (Conditional)
The content in this article is appropriate for: Supervisors and Administrators
This article will detail the use and configuration of conditional text.
It is assumed that a Guided Interaction (formerly known as a script) has already been created and user is logged in to SC WorkFlow (a.k.a. the scripter).
Types of Dynamic Text
SC WorkFlow has the ability to create text fields that will auto-populate and change, or text that is visible or hidden depending on input from other parts of the Guided Interaction, or directly from an outside source.
Types of dynamic fields include:
Dynamic Field that pulls data from another field within the Guided Interaction
An example of this would be the caller's name. Once it is typed into the Guided Interaction at the beginning of a call, it can be set up to appear throughout the other slides, making it a seamless part of the agent's spoken script.
This type of dynamic text is covered in the article located here.Dynamic Field that pulls data from an outside source
The Additional Info slide is an example of this. Data is pulled from SC ACD and plugged into a hidden slide within the Guided Interaction so that it can be viewed in the session details and call reports. This is set up during the WorkFlow mapping process.Conditional Text
This is text that would appear only after certain conditions have been satisfied. For example, a line of text pertaining only to callers from Canada can be configured to remain hidden unless the Ship Address field contains a valid Canadian zip code.
This type of dynamic text is covered in this article.Date/Time
This type of dynamic text is used to show dates that are not static. For example, if you want the agent to tell the caller that their order will ship in 5 business days, a dynamic date field can be configured so that the actual calendar date can be read by the agent, without them having to reference a separate source.
This type of dynamic text is covered in the article located here.
Preparing the Guided Interaction to Use Conditional Text
Conditional text is added in the field prompt using the Text Editor. It can be configured at any point during the Guided Interaction creation process, as long as any other fields that the conditions rely on have also been added. For example, a Guided Interaction directive may call for something like:
BONUS KIT: Thank you, as part of this promotional offer, we will also be sending you a BONUS accessory kit worth $19.99/$24.99 and will ship your items for FREE/a discounted rate of $4.99.
[US customers (lower 48, excluding AK, HI): $19.99/FREE]
[Canada, Non-Contiguous US customers: $24.99/a discounted rate of $4.99]
The above example shows how conditional text may be used. Instead of typing out 2 entire paragraph fields with separate visibility settings-- one for the US and one for Canada, the location-specific text can simply be set with conditions and would be added to a Guided Interaction as follows:
*This is not a complete build and assumes that all other relevant fields have been added. In this case, it is a Shipping Address field.
Add a Paragraph field
label: Bonus Kit
Type the following text into the Prompt:
Thank you, as part of this promotional offer, we will also be sending you a BONUS accessory kit worth {$19.99}{$24.99} and will ship your items for {FREE}{a discounted rate of $4.99}.
Remember that typing text inside of brackets will create dynamic text placeholders. The text will appear red until it is configured.
How to Configure Conditional Text
Now that the setup portion of the Guided Interaction is ready, the conditional text can be configured.
Click the Bonus Kit paragraph in the preview pane to access its settings
In the Text Editor, click and drag to highlight the {$19.99} placeholder text, including the brackets
Click the dynamic text button above the text area
And then click on Create dynamic text
The Dynamic Text pop-up opens, defaulted to Conditional.
Label: US Bonus Price
💡Rather than naming this conditional text $19.99, it has been named US Bonus Price because of what it represents. If the value of the item ever changes, it is easy for the Guided Interaction builder to access the slide and find what they are looking for right away, then simply change the text that is in the prompt.Type the following into the Text Editor:
Notice that the editor has all of the same options that are available for fields. Conditional text can be styled, can be bulleted, and can even contain nested conditional text (conditional text within the conditional text).
Set the conditions for the text by changing the dropdown menu from Always to All of the following
These conditions are the same and configured the same as the conditions for the Visibility, Mirroring, and Validity features:Always: The text always appears
Never: The text never appears
All of the following: The text appears if all conditions are satisfied
Any of the following: The text appears if any of the conditions are satisfiedConfigure the condition as follows:
If \ Shipping Address \ country is \ United States (Contiguous)
Click Update to save and close the pop-up
The dynamic placeholder text is now displayed in orange, which lets you know it has been configured.
*Dynamic fields, when configured, display in green.
Click and drag to highlight the {$24.99} placeholder text
Click the dynamic text button and then click Create dynamic text
Label: CA Bonus Price
Type the following into the Text Editor:
Set the conditions for the text by changing the dropdown menu from Always to Any of the following
If \ Shipping Address \ country is \ Canada
Click the + to the right to add another condition
If \ Shipping Address \ country is \ United States (Non-contiguous)
Click Update to save and close the pop-up
Click and drag to highlight the {FREE} placeholder text
Click the dynamic text button and then click Create dynamic text
Label: FREE ship
Type the following into the Text Editor:
Set the conditions for the text by changing the dropdown menu from Always to All of the following
If \ Shipping Address \ country is \ United States (Contiguous)
Click Update to save and close the pop-up
Click and drag to highlight the {a discounted rate of $4.99} placeholder text
Click the dynamic text button and then click Create dynamic text
Label: Discount ship
Type the following into the Text Editor:
a discounted rate of $4.99
Set the conditions for the text by changing the dropdown menu from Always to Any of the following
If \ Shipping Address \ country is \ Canada
If \ Shipping Address \ country is \ United States (Non-contiguous)
Click Update to save and close the pop-up
All of the dynamic placeholders have been replaced by their Conditional Text labels
Clicking the Dynamic Text button will present you with a list of configured dynamic text (including Dynamic Fields, Conditional Text, and/or Dynamic Dates) for the current slide only. From this list you can:Edit the Dynamic Text
Delete the Dynamic Text
The preview pane will also show both sets of conditional text, in brackets
To see how the dynamic (conditional) text functions, click Launch Preview on the Graph.
At runtime, only the text that satisfies the assigned conditions will appear in the Guided Interaction. For example, when a United States (Contiguous) zip code is recognized:
To better show the feature, the Shipping Address field was placed immediately before the paragraph containing the conditional text. This does not have to be the case, and dynamic text can use conditions from any field within the Guided Interaction, even if it is located on a previous slide.Or when a Canadian postal code is recognized:
Or a United States (Non-contiguous) zip code:
Field-Specific Options
As mentioned at the beginning of the article, dynamic text resides in the prompt area of any field. The conditions for dynamic text (and also for features like visibility, slide branching, etc) will be based on the field they are referencing.For example- If using an Address field as a condition, it can be based on any of the following address components:
Then, if region is is selected, a list of all 50 US states, territories, and all Canadian Provinces are available for selection:
The following is a comprehensive list of all options, by field:
region is/is not
American Samoa
District of Columbia
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Northern Marianas Islands
Puerto Rico
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
U.S. Minor Outlying Islands
Virgin Islands (U.S.)
West Virginia
British Columbia
New Brunswick
Newfoundland and Labrador
Nova Scotia
Northwest Territories
Prince Edward Island
country is/is not
United States
United States (Contiguous)
lower 48 only
United States (Non-contiguous)
Alaska, Hawaii, and U.S. territories
type is/is not
P.O. Box
USPS-designated established zip codes
Zip Code that only delivers to one specific entity (hospital, university, etc.)
is/is not
is/is not
response code is/is not
Responses are taken directly from the integration that the button interacts with. More information about how to locate the code in the integration's moonscript is available in the Integrations article located here.
status code is/is not
Cart SKUs
This option will appear only if the Cart field is present and SKUs have been created. Once a SKU is selected from the dropdown, the following options will be available, followed by a number field.
has quantity equal to
has quantity greater than
has quantity greater than or equal to
has quantity less than
has quantity less than or equal to
has/does not have
[Full list of SKU labels that have been added]
payment plan is/is not
[Full list of payment plan labels that have been added]
order total is greater than
order total is greater than or equal to
order total is equal to
order total is less than
order total is less than or equal to
is/is not
includes/does not include
Option 1 - x [in which Option represents the Label and x represents the number of choices you have assigned to the field]
Credit/Debit card
is/is not
expires within
1 month
2 months
3 months
4 months
5 months
6 months
7 months
8 months
type is/is not
American Express
Diners Club
is/is not
Option 1 - x [in which Option represents the Label and x represents the number of choices you have assigned to the field]
Embedded Link (not an available option for conditions)
is/is not
is/is not
is equal to
is greater than
is greater than or equal to
is less than
is less than or equal to
is/is not
Option 1 - x [in which Option represents the Label and x represents the number of choices you have assigned to the field]
Text input/Text input (multi-line)
is/is not
matches/does not match
[Complete list of all available fields that have been added to the Guided Interaction, broken down by individual components and sorted by slide name in which the field is located.]
Date input
is/is not