[WorkFlow] Guided Interactions: Video Tutorials

[WorkFlow] Guided Interactions: Video Tutorials

The content in this article is appropriate for: Administrators, Supervisors, and Agents

This article contains information pertaining to SC WorkFlow and Guided Interactions (formerly referred to as the scripter/scripts)

Click to jump to any of the following videos:

  1. Creating an Address Capture Slide Tutorial 

  2. Disposition Slide Tutorial

  3. Insert a Field Tutorial

  4. Inserting a Field into Dynamic Text

  5. Tutorial for Script Routing

  6. Adding a Shopping Cart Tutorial

  7. Setting Up SKUs Tutorial

  8. Export-Import a SKU Spreadsheet

  9. Setting Quantity Conditions on a SKU - Part 1

  10. Setting Quantity Conditions on a SKU - Part 2

  11. Setting up a “Some/All” Upgrade

  12. Creating a WorkFlow Tutorial

Creating an Address Capture Slide Tutorial 

In a guided interaction (script) that requires the collection of the customer's information, this video shows how all the information can be set up on one slide. The billing information will be collected first and will be mirrored to the shipping information. 


Disposition Slide Tutorial

A basic overview of the purpose and use of the Disposition slide in a guided interaction (script). 


Insert a Field Tutorial

There are a variety of fields that can be added to guided interactions (scripts), and each serve a specific purpose. This tutorial covers how each field type can be used and the differences between them. 

 Inserting a Field into Dynamic Text

How to set up a dynamic text field and conditional dynamic text within a guided interaction (script).

Tutorial for Script Routing

Typical routing situations and demonstrates how to configure the routing conditions.

Adding a Shopping Cart Tutorial

Walk through how to add a shopping cart to a guided interaction (script). The video covers  customization options that the cart allows. 

Setting Up SKUs Tutorial

Basic overview of the configuration of SKUs in a guided interaction (script) that already has both a cart and payment plans configured.

 Export-Import a SKU Spreadsheet

One way to add or review SKUs is to import or export a SKU spreadsheet; this tutorial walks you through the process of creating and importing a SKU spreadsheet, how to export a SKU spreadsheet, and reasons why these features would be useful. 

Setting Quantity Conditions on a SKU - Part 1

How to set up quantity conditions as a price override, without using the active conditions within the quantity conditions configuration.

Setting Quantity Conditions on a SKU - Part 2

A continuation of the Part 1 tutorial, this tutorial walks through the configuration of active conditions in a SKU's quantity conditions. 

Setting up a “Some / All” Upgrade

Configuring a guided interaction (script) that allows the customer to upgrade some or all of their main offer units. This example allows up to 3 units, and the customer will be able to choose to upgrade 1, 2, or all 3 of their units.

Creating a WorkFlow (formerly known as Commflow) Tutorial

This tutorial covers how to create a workflow (commflow) for a guided interaction (script). This example shows how to add and configure the embed node, script node, and any integration nodes.



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