[ACD] Create/Edit an Audit Queue
The content in this article is appropriate for: Administrators and Supervisors
An Audit Queue determines which calls are selected for auditing, and who can review them.
In the left-hand navigation bar, click Manage Audit Queues (under Quality Assurance)
*Only Supervisors with the QA/QA Managers group role have access to Audit Queues.
For an overview on the Quality Assurance feature and the Supervisor role, click here.
1. Create a New Audit Queue
Click + New Audit Queue
Audit Queue Details
Name: title of the work queue
Affiliate: Leave as N/A or click the dropdown and assign as needed
Affiliates are an advanced option used to control who has access to certain programs and features.Minimum Coverage (percentage): percentage of calls from the selected program that are eligible for auditing
Suspended: (Yes/No) enable/disable an audit queue
Audit Queues can not be deleted, so to deactivate it, set to Suspend=Yes
*A suspended queue will appear as N/A in the Actions column
Budget Enabled: (Yes/No) enable budgeting for the queue
IF YES:Budget Cost per Call: dollar amount designated to each individual call audit
Budget Target Expenditure: total dollar amount designated for all call audits in the queue
Budget Start Date / Budget End Date: click to enter mm/dd/yyyy or choose a date from the calendar
⚠️If budget is set, the work queue will automatically Suspend if either of the following conditions are reached:
-Budget Target Expenditure
-Budget End Date
Max Calls/Agent: the maximum number of calls from an individual agent that will be added to the work queue
(0 - No Cap): no limit is set on the number of calls per agent that will be added to the queue
Questionnaire (Scorecard) Override: assign a custom scorecard to the audit queue
By default, the 17-question SingleComm Scorecard is assigned to every program
Scorecards can not be changed once audit queue is created (scorecard change requires a new or cloned queue)
Only active-status Scorecards can be added
*For more information and step-by-step instructions on creating a custom scorecard, click here.
Audit Queue Criteria
Start Date / End Date: when the calls took place
mm/dd/yyyy or click the field choose a date from the calendar
💡End Date can be left blank if not required. The work queue will remain active until manually suspended by a supervisor.
Minimum Call Length (in seconds): shortest call time acceptable to be selected for the queue
Maximum Call Length (in seconds): longest call time acceptable to be selected for the queue
Criteria: at least one of these must be assigned
Click to select or CTRL + Click to select multiplePrograms
Click Update to save configuration.
Auditor Assignment
All users in the Internal Auditors Group will appear in this list. To assign an agent/auditor to the work queue, assign a Weight of 1-100 (0=Unassigned).
Auditors with higher weight assignments will receive preference in the work queue.
Click Update once all auditors have been assigned.
2. Edit an Audit Queue
From the Audit Queue Management page:
Click the number of the Audit Queue you wish to make changes to:
Click Update once all changes have been made
A Congratulations message will appear briefly in the top right to indicate a successful update
3. Clone an Audit Queue
From the Audit Queue Management page:
Click the number of the Audit Queue you wish to clone
Scroll to the bottom of the Details tab
Click Clone*
The following parameters will be cleared on every new cloned copy:
-Start Date/End Date
-Minimum Call Length (in seconds)/Maximum Call Length (in seconds)
All other settings will be copied over to the cloned work queue.
*The data from completed internal audits is available in SC Analytics. For more details , click here.