[ACD] Monitoring Report
The content in this article is appropriate for: Administrators and Supervisors
The Monitoring Report was designed to show what calls have been monitored and which Supervisor was monitoring them.
To access this feature, click Supervisor in the left-hand navigation bar to drop down the available Supervisor page options, then click Monitoring Report.
On this page you will see:
Call ID #
click the ID number to view the Call Details page. More information on this page is available in the next section.
Dir (Direction)- whether it was an Inbound or Outbound call
Caller ID/ANI (automatic number identification)
Agents: name(s) of any agent that handled any leg of the call
Click the music note to listen to the call recording
Click the download button to save a copy of the .ogg file
💡If you want to listen to live calls, go to live monitoring in the Real-Time Overview.
Dispo: the disposition of the call
Date/Time of the call
State where the customer/lead phone number is registered
Status: configurable by the program/campaign, set by the agent at the end of the call
Length of the call
QA (Quality Assurance): If audited, this is the call’s audit score [0.00-100.00, Pass/Fail]
Supervisor: name of the supervisor that was monitoring this call
Call Details
The Call Details page is comprised of multiple tabs*:
*not all tabs will be available on all clusters
Details tab:
Created At
Queued At
Caller ID/ANI plus location information
Call Direction
Displayed Callerid
Call Duration for all legs of the call
VoIP Switch
Path tab: a complete breakdown of each leg of the call
Event name
💡 You can pop the guided interaction from the entry in this column with the blue button:
Agents tab:
Agent ID
Agent Name
Recording and download options (if applicable)
Call Dispo
Call Length
Call QA Score (if applicable)
Destinations tab: any external interactions during the call (if applicable)
VMs tab: any voicemails left (if applicable)
CDRs(call detail records) tab:
Call ID: click this green button to download the .xml file
Call Type
Call Quality
HUP (hangup) Cause
SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) IP
Remote Media IP
Local Media IP
Slide Navigation tab:
link to the Session Logs
Session ID
WorkFlow used on the call
Guided Interaction used for the call
Slide Navigation breakdown detailing each slide name, where the slide branched to, and time spent on the slide
Consumed Data tab:
link to Consumer Logs
Log ID #
Session ID
Scripter Domain
WorkFlow used on the call
Guided Interaction used on the call
Timing of the call - start to finish
Script (Guided Interaction)Interaction Length
Consumed on Host
Consumed Responses tab:
Field Type
Question (field name)
Answer (provided by customer/lead)
Integration Requests tab: if used, provides info on an Integration used during the call. Click the blue button to be redirected to the Integration Management Panel
Feed Requests tab: If used, provides info on any API feeds used during the call. Click the blue button to be redirected to the API Feeds /Feed Management Panel
Agent Checks tab: shows any Agent checks that were performed during the call
IVR Log tab: the IVR log of the call