[ACD] Call Parking Lot
The content in this article is appropriate for: Administrators and Supervisors
The SC ACD's Call Parking Lot allows agents to manually "park" calls for campaigns on which it is enabled. This feature is useful in situations where agents may need to quickly greet callers, then place them on hold or return them to the queue to be retrieved or answered/handled by specific agents in a certain order.
This article covers:
Exposing the Call Parking Lot Feature
Only users with Administrator privileges can complete the actions in this section.
It is possible that the Access Control Entry and Access Control List used with this feature have already been exposed within the ACD for you by your SingleComm Account Executive. If so, you can skip to the next section. If not, the following steps will ensure that the Call Parking Lot options are visible.
Create the ACE:
While logged in to the ACD, navigate to the Administrator module in the left-hand navigation bar and click Access Control Entries
On the Access Control Entry Management page, click New Entry
On the Entry Details tab:
Description: highlight/delete the default text and type Call Parking
Type: leave as default [Permission]
Option: type callparking
Must be typed exactly as shown, one word in all lower case letters with NO spaces.Ordinal Position: may be left blank
Suspended: leave as default [No]
Click Update to save the ACE
Create the ACL:
Go back to the Administrator module in the left-hand navigation bar and click Access Control List
On the Access Control List Management page, click New List
On the List Details tab:
Access Control Entry: click the text box to bring up a list of available ACEs and click on Call Parking (the ACE that was created in the previous section).
The rest of the options on this tab may be left blank, or can be configured to create a more granular access policy for groups or individuals.
Click Update to save the ACL
Preparing Agents to Park and Retrieve Calls
ALL agents who are assigned to the campaign will be able to park calls. However, agents need the appropriate retrieval ability and skill(s) specific to the campaign in which they'll be retrieving calls, in order to see the Parking Lot and retrieve parked calls for that campaign. You do not need to create new abilities and skills for every campaign. Once an agent is connected to the skill, it will apply for them in any campaign that is using the Call Parking Lot.
Create the Ability:
Go to the Agent Management module in the left-hand navigation bar and click Manage Abilities
On the Ability Management page, click New Ability
On the Ability Details tab:
Name: highlight/delete the default text and type Parking Retriever
Matching this name is not required but should reflect what the Ability allows the agent to do. Using the term "retriever" in the name here is suggested.Description: [optional] You may type in a short sentence that further describes the Ability.
Affiliate: Leave as N/A or click the dropdown and assign as needed
Affiliates are an advanced option used to control who has access to certain programs and features. For more information on using this feature, contact your Account Executive.Suspended: leave as default [No]
On the Agents tab:
New assignment: click the Choose an Agent field to display a dropdown of all agents, and click and agent name to select
Weight: assign a number (the higher the weight, the more this ability will factor for the agent when they are part of a Skills Based campaign that utilizes this ability).
Repeat the previous two steps until all agents have been added
Click Update to save the Ability
Create the Skill:
Go back to the Agent Management module in the left-hand navigation bar and click Manage Skills
On the Skill Management page, click New Skill
On the Skill Details tab:
Name: highlight/delete the default text and type Parking Retrievers
Again, matching this name is not required but should reflect what the Ability allows the agent to do. Using the term "retrievers" in the name here is suggested.Description: [optional] You may type in a short sentence that further describes the Skill.
Affiliate: Leave as N/A or click the dropdown and assign as needed
Affiliates are an advanced option used to control who has access to certain programs and features. For more information on using this feature, contact your Account Executive.Suspended: leave as default [No]
On the Abilities tab:
Choose an Ability: click in the field to display a dropdown of all Abilities that have been created. Click to select Parking Retriever, which was the ability created in the previous section
Weight: assign a (Minimum Weight) number from 1-100. If this field is left blank, a Minimum Weight of 0.00 is assigned, which means that every agent assigned to the Parking Retrievers Ability qualifies to park calls.
Click Update to save the Ability
Configuring the Parking Feature for Your Campaign
The Call Parking Lot must be switched on at the campaign level. To do this, click Programs/Clients in the left-hand navigation bar
Navigate to the program containing the campaign you would like to use by typing the name or number in the Search field, then click the Name of the program to access it
Click Campaigns
Locate the campaign (utilize the Search bar if you need to), and click to access it
Click the Parking tab
🛑 This tab is permissions based and must be exposed by exposing the ACE/ACL at the Administrator level. If you do not see the Parking tab, please go back and follow the instructions in the beginning of this article.On the Parking page:
Switch the feature ON by setting the Allow Calls to be Parked - Default option to Yes
Click the Parked Call Skill Retrieval Skill - Default dropdown and select the parked call retrieval skill* that has been created (In this example, it is called Parking Retrievers).
*For more information and step-by-step instructions on how to create and assign Skills, click here.Click Update to display a list of agents that have the assigned skill.
You Can Now Utilize the Call Parking Lot with Your Campaign!