[ACD] Advanced Sheet Management

[ACD] Advanced Sheet Management

The content in this article is appropriate for: Supervisors and Administrators

This article covers the following components of sheet management:

For more information on basic sheet management, including creating/editing sheets, columns, and records, click here.

Access the Sheets module in the left hand navigation bar

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A sheet can be cloned for the purpose of copying the format only (data/records will not be cloned).

  1. Search for or browse to the Sheet you wish to clone

  2. Click its blue Sheet ID # button

  3. Scroll down and click Clone

  4. A copy of the sheet will be created and you will be presented with its Sheet Details tab, where you can make edits
    💡The sheet has already been created and saved with the default settings presented here. You do NOT need click update if you are not making any changes, but it is advised to adjust the Name and Description

  5. Once you have edited the Sheet Details, click Update to save the new sheet.

    • You can also edit/delete any cloned columns or add new new columns on the Columns tab. Detailed instructions for this are available here.


Sheets can be filtered so that only relevant records are available to be called upon by the ACD.

To add a filter to a sheet:

  1. Click the Filters tab

  2. Type in a Name for the filter, and click Add

    • Since individual filters do not have descriptions, it is good practice to create a label that explains the function of the filter

      • in this example State=PA

  3. Click Edit to attach a rule to the filter

  4. Scroll down to the Sheet Filter Editor section and click New Rule

  5. Click in the Column area to choose from available columns (from the current sheet only)

  6. Click in the Operator area to select from available options (the same options are available for every rule)

  7. Type in a Value to complete the rule and click Update Filter to save the rule, or New Rule to add additional rules to this filter

  8. Scroll back up the filters list and click Enable to activate the filter on the current sheet

    • Once enabled, you can return to this tab at any time to Edit, Disable, Delete the current rule or to Add additional rules

Or/And Conditions:

When multiple filter rules are created and enabled, they operate under an Or condition.

In the above example, there are 2 individual filters enabled. The ACD will filter records in which the state=PA OR in which the state=NJ.

If you wish to configure an AND condition, it must be done within the same rule.

  1. Click Edit on the filter you wish to add the AND condition to

  2. Configure the next requirement, in this case we are adding a rule that ZIP = 19154

    • The above example shows a filter with 2 rules, and therefore an AND condition. When this is enabled on the sheet, the ACD will search for records in which state=PA AND zip code=19154.
      💡It’s also a good idea to update the Filter name since it is no longer only filtering by state, but by state and zip.

  3. Click Update Filter to save

    • You now have a sheet that will filter records where the [State=PA AND Zip=19154] OR [State=NJ]


Sheets can also be configured so that a specific action will be taken when a specific event occurs.

From Sheets:

  1. Click the Events tab

  2. Click Choose an Event Class

    • These are the standard events. Any time the sheet is Created/Updated/Deleted or filters are Altered, the selected Action/Integration (next step) will be triggered.

  3. Click Choose an Action/Integration

    • The first four Actions listed are for Outbound Telemarketing (OBTM) only
      *If the sheet was created from inside an outbound campaign, these actions will be paired with the 4 event types and shown by default.
      As mentioned here, the Sheet Record Created event must be synced before records are imported.

    • The next portion of the dropdown list contains an alphabetical list of all Integrations that are stored on your ACD cluster.

  4. Select the checkbox if you wish to Sync the events

  5. Click Update to save

Import Records

Large amounts of records may be bulk imported from a CSV file.

  1. Click the Import tab

  2. Click the file area to add a Data File

    • File must be CSV format with a maximum filesize of 12MB

  3. Click Continue

  4. Match the column headers of the import file to the sheet columns by clicking each dropdown

  5. Click Import Data

    • You will be shown a summary of the records that have been imported into the sheet

  6. Click Update to save the imported records

Audit Log

An audit log is available for you to review all changes made to the sheet. Click the Audit Log tab to view.

  • Each action will be assigned an ID #, User name, IP address, Delta (description of the change that was made), and a Date/Time timestamp

Record Flushing

In the event you wish to flush all records from a sheet, this can be done on the Flush tab.

🛑 Flushing records from a sheet is a permanent and irreversible action.

To remove all records from a sheet, click Flush ALL Records

You will be prompted to type YES on a pop-up to confirm:

Once you click OK, all records will be permanently removed from the sheet.

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