[WorkFlow] Mapping an Integration

[WorkFlow] Mapping an Integration

The content in this article is appropriate for: Administrators and Supervisors

This article assumes that the integration has already been connected to the WorkFlow. For step by step instructions on how that is done, click here.


If fields are to be mapped, they are taken from the API response.
For example, referring to the CardConnect Aggregated integration, the following fields were mapped on the Step 2 Advanced tab during the integration creation process:

  1. PaymentCard

  2. Token

  3. TestMode

  4. response_code

Of these four fields, it should be determined which are of use to the agent, and should be mapped for visibility in the Session Details. In this case, the relevant information includes PaymentCard, Token, and TestMode only.

  1. Begin by accessing the WorkFlows module:

    Screen Shot 2024-01-19 at 3.53.55 PM.png
  2. Navigate to the WorkFlow Graph

    Screen Shot 2024-01-20 at 1.58.05 PM.png
  3. Click the wrench to access the integration's settings

  • From here, you can either Add new map or Auto map the fields

    Screen Shot 2024-01-20 at 1.59.48 PM.png
  • Click the Auto Map button

    • This will automatically pull the 4 field that were mapped on the Advanced tab


      *For this example, not all of the information was available.

    • Select Credit/Debit card from the Session Field dropdown list next to PaymentCard

    • Click the trash can icon to delete the response_code entry.

  • Click Update to save and close the integration node

For more on Integrations, see:

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