Standard Fields: Using Radios Instead of Checkboxes

Standard Fields: Using Radios Instead of Checkboxes

Currently, checkboxes should not be set as custom-standard fields because they are considered complex field types and the data is not properly reported in CX Explore.

The workaround proposes using a series of Yes/No Radios. This can be done from anywhere in the script except the Constant Slide.

CX Create has also been updated to allow Radio fields to display horizontally, allowing for more optimum page layout.
The related option to reduce space is best used for a series of Radios in the Sticky Slide, as the difference is negligible on regular slides.

The following text is taken from the user article Standard Fields:

The following complex field-type should also not be set as Standard:

  • Checkboxes

*In the case where checkboxes would need to be used in a script with Standard Fields, this is the suggested solution

For example- a script that has the following field:

Should be configured using a series of Radio buttons instead:
*This is because radio buttons can be reported effectively to CX Explore, and the values can be itemized for reporting drill down, if needed.

Each field can then be mapped to an available Custom-Standard field.
The above configuration allows for each of the options to be reported separately.

Using a series of Radios in the Sticky Slide?
If spacing is an issue, radio buttons can be laid out horizontally and also offer the option to decrease spacing.

^From field settings

Here is what the same fields would look like in the Sticky Slide with those options enabled: