Versions Compared


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The content in this article is appropriate for: Administrators 

Currently, SC WorkFlow only supports integrations that are programmed using moonscript.*
*For more information on programming with moonscript, click here.


  1. Click Integrations in the left hand navigation bar:

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On the Integrations page, you can:


  • Click the New integration button to create an integration from scratch

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  • Click the Import integration button to import an integration (.json file) from another cluster

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  • Browse or search for existing integrations by Label, Description, or the number of WorkFlows it is used in.

The following actions may be performed on the existing integrations:

  • Clone the integration and its settings

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  • Export the integration as a .json file

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  • Delete the integration

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💡Creating an integration that is similar to one that already exists?
Save time by cloning the existing integration, simply make the necessary changes, and save with a new Label (name).
Moving an integration from one cluster to another? Export it as a .json file, then use the Import Integration button at the top to save it into its new location.

⚠️ Use caution when clicking the Delete button. SC WorkFlow will not prompt you to make sure you want to delete it, and if it is currently connected to any workflows, it will be removed from that workflow immediately.
Deleting an integration is a non-reversible action.

On the New Integration page, you can configure the following:

  1. Step 1 General tab

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    • Name

    • Description

  2. Step 2 Advanced tab

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    • Integration Type: click the dropdown to select Simple or Advanced, or you may select from any of the existing integration types on this cluster if you would like to use it as a template.
      ⚠️ These are not searchable and are not displayed in alphabetical order. You will need to scroll through the dropdown list to find what you are looking for.

      • If you select a template, ALL of the settings will be pre-configured. You simply select it and click Create.

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      • For a Simple integration, you must configure the following:

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      • Method- this is the type of action that will be taken when using http/https

        • GET*- retrieve data only

        • POST*- data is created for storage or submittal

        • PUT- data is recreated or updated in its entirety

        • PATCH- data is partially updated or modified

        • DELETE- removes a specified resource

        • HEAD- same as the GET method without returning a response

        • OPTIONS- used to test the status of the server
          * GET and POST are the most commonly used methods and are the chosen option 95% of the time when using http/https.

      • Host- URL of the resource being requested

      • Path- file system path of the resource being requested

    • For an Advanced integration, you must configure the following:

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    • Data Type: This is where you will add fields that are in Guided Interactions
      ➡️ WorkFlow Data - returns data as collected from your WorkFlow
      ➡️ Constant - text values that do not change
      ➡️ Calculated - define a calculation

      • Click the Add Field button

        • type in the field Label

        • Under the field label text box, is a dropdown menu for field type (defaults to Date but every field type is available)

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          • Constant will prompt you to add a Value and Calculated will prompt you to add a piece of moonscript code.

    • Protocol 

      • ALL protocols require the following:

        • Timeout- how long the integration will attempt its request

        • Retries- how many times the integration will re-attempt a failed request

        • Retry Delay- how long the integration will wait between retries

      • If Protocol = http/https

        • Host- URL of the resource being requested

        • Port- port number of the resource being requested

        • Path- file system path of the resource being requested

        • Secured Connection [checkbox]- transmission occurs over a secured connection once Encryption type is selected

          • Best Match- this is the only available option so this must be selected if using encryption 

            • Authentication

            • None- no authentication applied

            • Basic- uses unencrypted coding for Username and Password

            • Digest- credentials are encrypted for Username and Password

          • Content Type- (a.k.a. Media Type or MIME Type) The 2-part identifier for file formats and format contents transmitted on the internet

          • User Agent- name of the software sending the request on behalf of the user

          • Allow Redirection [checkbox]- should the API permit redirects to web pages using more than one URL address

      • If Protocol = ftp (file transfer protocol)

        • Host- URL of the resource being requested

        • Port- port number of the resource being requested

        • Path- file system path of the resource being requested

        • Secured Connection [checkbox]- transmission occurs over a secured connection once Encryption type is selected

          • Best Match- this is the only available option so this must be selected if using encryption

        • Username- user login for the ftp site

        • Password- user password for the ftp site

        • Transfer:

          • ASCII- file is transferred as text (.txt, .asp, .html, .php)

          • Binary- file is transferred as raw data (.wav, .jpg, .gif)

        • Passive [checkbox]- allows the connection configuration to be done on the server side

      • If Protocol = sftp (secure file transfer protocol)

        • Host- URL of the resource being requested

        • Port- port number of the resource being requested

        • Path- file system path of the resource being requested

        • EncryptionBest Match- this is the only available option so this must be selected if using encryption

        • Authentication Key- Location to upload the private portion of the generated authentication key

        • Username- user login for the sftp site

        • Password- user password for the sftp site

        • Enable Host Key Validation [checkbox]- option to validate the public portion of the authentication key

      • If Protocol = email

        • Targets- address(es) the data is being sent to 

        • Source- address the data is being sent from

        • Subject- subject line of the email that will be generated

  3. Request/Response Guided Interactions

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    Moonscript code for the integration's Request and Response can be typed directly into or copied and pasted in the text area of their respective tabs.

For more on Integrations, see: