The content in this article is appropriate for: Administrators 

Currently, SC WorkFlow only supports integrations that are programmed using moonscript.*
*For more information on programming with moonscript, click here.


  1. Click Integrations in the left hand navigation bar:

    Screen Shot 2024-01-20 at 2.23.45 PM.png

On the Integrations page, you can:


The following actions may be performed on the existing integrations:

💡Creating an integration that is similar to one that already exists?
Save time by cloning the existing integration, simply make the necessary changes, and save with a new Label (name).
Moving an integration from one cluster to another? Export it as a .json file, then use the Import Integration button at the top to save it into its new location.

⚠️ Use caution when clicking the Delete button. SC WorkFlow will not prompt you to make sure you want to delete it, and if it is currently connected to any workflows, it will be removed from that workflow immediately.
Deleting an integration is a non-reversible action.

On the New Integration page, you can configure the following:

  1. Step 1 General tab

  2. Step 2 Advanced tab

  3. Request/Response Guided Interactions


    Moonscript code for the integration's Request and Response can be typed directly into or copied and pasted in the text area of their respective tabs.

For more on Integrations, see: