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The content in this article is appropriate for: Supervisors and Administrators

An available feature in the Campaign setup process is the ability to assign business hours so that the ACD will only make the program/campaign available at specific times. This feature is optional and does not need to be configured as part of the end to end setup process.


  1. Log in to SC ACD
    (thumbs up) The easiest way is to type [yourcompanyname] into a browser, then log in with your email address/password.

  2. Click Programs/Clients in the left-hand navigation bar

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  3. Navigate to the program containing the campaign you would like to use by typing the name or number in the Search field, then click the Name of the program to access it.

  4. Click Campaigns


    💡You can also jump right to Campaigns from the Programs list.

  5. Click the Campaign Name of the campaign for which you want to enable Business Hours

  6. Click the Business Hours tab

    • On this tab:

      • Weekly Schedule 

        • Each Day of the week is represented, starting with Monday

          • To add additional days (for multiple shifts on a single day), click the [New DOW] (day of week) dropdown and select the day you wish to add.


            ➡️ Once a new Day of Week is selected, click Update to save the day and move it to the proper position on the schedule. The Business Hours list of days always begins with Monday and always ends with Sunday. If a day has multiple entries, they will be displayed in chronological order.

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        • Set the Start At time

          • You can choose to set business hours for the selected day by clicking Now (assigns the current time) or by clicking the dropdowns inside the Hour and Min columns, to assign a specific time.


            ⚠️ There is no AM or PM option here. The Hour dropdown utilizes a 24-hour time format where 00 represents 12AM and 23 represents 11PM.

        • Set the Close At time

          • Same as the Start time, you have the option of selecting Now or setting a custom Hour/Min.

        • Add a Code (optional)- this can be any short alpha-numeric text string that helps a supervisor identify the setting.

        • Delete- click this button to remove the business hours entry.

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          ➡️ If you are not setting business hours for a specific day, you do NOT need to delete the entry, you may leave it with the default setting of Start at 00:00 / Close at 23:59.

      • Overrides- this will nullify previously assigned business for the selected day(s)

        • Click in the New Override text box to bring up a calendar

        • Select a date from the current month/year or use the < > arrows to go back/forward through the months.


          🤔 Can I set a recurring override?For example, to override business hours every 12/25? No, you can only set an override for one calendar day. To repeat the override, you would have to create a new entry and then scroll through the months until you reach the next year. It is advised to periodically review a campaign's Business Hours and add new overrides as needed.

        • Repeat the steps from above to assign a Start at and Close at time for the override, plus any Code you wish to add.

        • Click Update to save the override

        • Once saved, the Delete button will become available if you wish to remove the entry.

  7. You also have the option to copy the current business hours into a new campaign by clicking Clone.

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    • This will open the Clone Campaign page

      • Click the Destination Program text box to bring up a dropdown of all available Programs and click to select

      • Assign a New Campaign Name

      • Click Continue to be taken to the Details tab of the new campaign setup
