The content in this article is appropriate for: Administrators and Supervisors
The Real-Time Overview Report is part of the Supervisor section in SC ACD.
To access the Real-Time Overview Report, click Supervisor in the left-hand navigation bar to drop down the available Supervisor page options, then click RT Overview.
Agent data: breakdown of the number of agents currently logged in on the platform
All Agents (total)
Busy Agents
Idle Agents
Paused Agents
Dispo Agents
Offline Agents
Messaging Agents
Call data
Calls in IVR
Queued Calls
Handled Calls
Total Calls
Program data: real-time display of the current programs by name that are currently in-call
(the total of these will equal Total Calls)
Agent ID #
Agent Name: dropdown list displays Agent Features
Agent Status
In Call
Manual Dial
*The above statuses serve as a reference only. If options have been configured for you, they will appear in the list.
Time in Status
Program: displays only when agent status is In Call or Dispo
Team: campaign/team name that displays when Program is displayed
Handled Calls: number of agent's calls from current shift
Talk Time: agent's total in-call time from current shift
Monitor: Listen in on the agent through your computer speakers/headphones (agent must be engaged in a call with 'In Call' status).
External Monitor: Send the call to an external phone number for monitoring
IM Chat:
*The functionality for the above two options should be accessed using the one-way messaging or the communication features outlined in the Supervisor/Agent Messaging article.Performance Report:
*Feature is currently under constructionSet Available: forces the agent to a status of 'Available'
Set Offline: forces the agent to a status of 'Offline'
Restart Session: forces the agent's session to start over at 0:00
Remove Session: logs the agent out of SC the ACD
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Call Log: takes you directly to the Details tab inside Supervisor\Call Log
Terminate: ends the call
Call Log: takes you directly to the Details tab inside Supervisor\Call Log
Terminate: ends the call
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Below the Calls in IVR is a table containing data for all calls on the platform that are currently in rollout (being forwarded). Displayed here:
Call ID #
ANI: caller's phone number
Destination: phone number that the call is being “rolled out” to
Received: time in minutes/seconds that call has been active
Updated: time in minutes/seconds that call has been in its current stage
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From the Calls in Rollout table, each Call ID # appears as a dropdown menu. When clicked, a supervisor can:
Call Log: takes you directly to the Details tab inside Supervisor\Call Log
Terminate: ends the call
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Depending on your SC ACD settings, filtering may be defaulted ON/OFF.
If your Real-Time Overview page does not display any agent/call data, it can be added as follows on any of the tables in the RT Overview:
Click Filter on the right-hand side of the Agent Overview
From the
Agent Filter and Status Filter dropdowns, choose the options you wish to be displayed
Click Update
Agent/Status Settings to be shown the selected assignments
💡These filter settings are saved once you exit the Real-Time Overview.
If your Real-Time Overview page displays all agent/call data, it can be refined as follows:
Click Filter on the right-hand side of the Agent Overview
Selecting Advanced Filter and unchecking the Disable Filtering (show all
Once filtering is enabled, select the Program Assignments and Campaign Assignments that you wish to display
You can also Select all/ Unselect all
Click Update Filter Settings to be shown the selected assignments*These filter settings are saved once you exit the Real-Time Overview.
) option will allow you to make these filtering choices for each table.
You can also filter your results further by clicking any of the colored squares within the Agent Data or Call Data areas of the Real-Time Overview.
Doing so will display only the selected parameter in the Agent Overview or Queued/IVR Calls.
*These filter settings are not saved once you exit the Real-Time Overview.