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The content in this article is appropriate for: Administrators and Supervisors

Adding team members, setting up new hires, assigning permissions, and promoting users are all easy with SC ACD's Agent Management tool.


  • Agent
    This is the most basic type of account. Agent accounts are set up to take calls on SC ACD by their assignments to particular programs and teams. They can be associated with certain Abilities and/or Skills which can also be weighted in order to ensure that calls are routed based on that criteria. Agents can also be granted permissions for the following:

    • viewing, running and modifying dashboards in SC Analytics,

    • viewing reports, test calls, etc. at the Program level

    • viewing elemental call data at the Media Agency level

  • Supervisor
    This type of account can do everything an Agent can do, with the addition of the following:

    • create/manage user accounts

    • reset passwords

    • unlock accounts

    • view programs and campaigns

    • access the Supervisor module

  • Administrator
    This type of account can do everything that Agents and Supervisors can do, but they also have the ability to:

    • access the Administrator module

    • manage module access for groups

    • access API feeds and integrations

💡Various levels of permissions can also be assigned to accounts, regardless of type. For more information on permissions, see the following articles:
Assigning Program Level Permissions
Assigning Media Agency Access Permissions
Assigning SC Analytics Reports Permissions


  • Click on Agent Management in the left-hand navigation bar
    *Only users with Supervisor or Administrator-type accounts are able to access the Agent Management section.

  • Click on Create a New Agent in the left-hand navigation bar OR the New Agent button at the top of the grid

  • On the New Agent page:

    • Agent ID: numbers only, no maximum
      💡If this field is left blank, SC ACD will auto-assign the ID as one number higher than the ID that was last assigned.

    • First name: agent's given name

    • Last name: surname*
      *You will be prompted to enter information in the above 2 fields if they are left blank.

    • Unique user name: Clicking in this text box causes a unique username to be auto-generated. It will be the text from the first and last name fields, separated by an underscore. This can be left as is, or amended as needed.

    • Initial password: Automatically generated and can not be modified. This password should be supplied to the new user and they will be prompted to change it after their initial login.

  • Click Continue 


  • Login: This is the unique username carried over from the previous step
    💡Did you want to modify the username? If you didn't do it in the previous step, it can be done here at any time. All of the settings on these tabs are optional and can be modified or left as default.

  • Manager: [defaults to N/A] Click the dropdown to select from a list of other SC ACD accounts.

  • Supervisor: [defaults to N/A] Click the dropdown to select from a list of other SC ACD accounts.

  • Affiliate: [defaults to N/A] Click the dropdown to select from a list of other Affiliate accounts

  • Suspended: [defaults to No] Changing this to Yes deactivates the login.*
    *SC ACD accounts can not be deleted from the system for legacy purposes. To "remove" a user, simply set the account to Suspended.

  • Unit: [defaults to N/A] Click the dropdown to select from a list of available options.

  • Crew: [defaults to N/A] Click the dropdown to select from a list of available options.

  • Position: [defaults to N/A] Click the dropdown to select from a list of available options.

  • Date of Hire: Enter a date in mm/dd/yyyy format, or click in the text field to bring up a calendar

  • Payroll ID: text field accepts letters/numbers/special characters

  • Released from Trainship: Enter a date in mm/dd/yyyy format, or click in the text field to bring up a calendar

  • Date of Departure: Enter a date in mm/dd/yyyy format, or click in the text field to bring up a calendar

  • Agent Type: [defaults to Inbound and Outbound] can also be set to Inbound (only) and Outbound (only)

  • Home Access: [defaults to No] for the reporting and tracking of home certifications

  • Comment: any other agent-related information you would like to include in the profile

  • Touched Lead Filtering?: Choose whether you want the agent to see:

    • All Leads (New and Touched) [default]

    • New Leads Only

    • Touched Leads Only


  • All available teams will be listed here, all defaulted OFF. Click in the Enabled column to activate a team for the user.

    • This list is NOT searchable, but it is sortable by clicking the column name

    • Once a Team assignment is enabled, it will be logged in the Last Updated and Updated By columns

⚠️ This list can become very long! Make sure you scroll all the way to the bottom of the list and click Update once you are done making changes.

Abilities tab


  • Organization: Click the dropdown to select from a list of available organizations.

    • You can also click Add New Organization from the dropdown and a text box will appear for the addition of a new organization.

  • Supervisor Role: [defaults to No] As mentioned above in Account Types, an Agent can be promoted to a Supervisor at any time using this setting.

  • Administrator Role: [defaults to No] As mentioned above in Account Types, an Agent or a Supervisor can be promoted to an Administrator at any time using this setting.Clear Agent:

Groups tab


  • New Password: change password for the user by typing a new password in the text box

    • Only passwords that adhere to security guidelines will be accepted:

      • passwords must be at least 7 characters long and must also contain at least one lower case character, one upper case character, and one digit.

  • Reset PCI Lockout: [disabled by default] PCI (Payment Card Industry) standards require that accounts be locked out after six failed attempts.

    Screen Shot 2017-09-25 at 3.52.52 PM.png

    If an Agent is reporting that they are locked out of their account, check this box to allow them back into their account.
    💡 If a forgotten password is the reason they are locked out, that can also be reset on this tab.

  • Reset 2FA Device: [disabled by default] Click the checkbox to reset the 2 Factor Authentication device.

    • For example, if the user has set up their mobile phone as the multi-factor authentication device and it needs to be changed or it is locked out, enable this checkbox and have them try again.
