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The content in this article is appropriate for: Supervisors and Administrators

Step-by-step instructions for adding a script wrapper to a voice campaign.* A script wrapper (or wrapper script) connects a script (Guided Interaction) to a campaign.


Assign the Inbound Campaign to the Guided Interaction


  1. Click the Scripts tab in the top right

  2. Click New Script

  3. On the Create a New Script page:

    1. Script Name: [defaults to Program Name Script] Adding "OB" to the end of the default name preserves the program name and indicates it is the wrapper for the outbound campaign

    2. Script Description: [defaults to Program Name Script, adding an extended description is optional] 

    3. Script Class: [defaults to ScriptName_v1]
      *This field must not contain any spaces, it is advised that after typing the script name, to click inside this text box and allow the name to auto-generate.

  4. Click Continue to go to the Script Details page
    (Script Details are OK as-is)

  5. Click the Slides tab

  6. Click Edit

  7. By default, the DID Group Lookup slide will be present

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  8. Click Delete to remove it

  9. Click and drag SingleComm Script from the left-hand column to the blank area on the right
    *This way, instead of looking at the script assignment from the DID (Number) Group for the correct script to pop, you are assigning it a script directly because OB campaigns do not have a DID Group.

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  10. Click Save Changes 

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  11. Click to Edit the SingleComm Script

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  12. On the Script Slide Item Editor:

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    1. Label: can be left as-is

    2. CSS Class(es): can be left blank

    3. SingleComm Integration: click the dropdown and select the name of your scripting cluster (location of your Guided Interactions)

    4. Deployment: click the dropdown and select the name of the workflow you are using

    5. Parameter: click button to add a new parameters and value (optional)

  13. Click Apply to save and close the pop-up

  14. Click the Save Changes button again

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  15. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Update to save 

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  16. Click the Compile tab

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    1. Click Re-compile

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    2. Scroll down and click Update to save

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Attach the Campaign

  1. On the Program Management page, click the Scripts tab in the top right
    A script placeholder with the same name as your Program will appear in the Scripts list:

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  2. Click the "0" under the Campaigns column

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  3. This will display all of the campaigns currently in the program:

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  4. Find the IB campaign you are configuring and enable All DIDs by clicking the checkbox:

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  5. Click the Scripts tab in the top right

  6. You will now see that it has one campaign assigned to it:

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For details on the next step, Assigning Attributes and Agents, click here.