An essential part of every CommFlow, Partners ensure that each call center using the script creates its own token and generates a unique URL. 

  1. Creating a Partner
  2. Assigning a Partner to a CommFlow

1. Creating a Partner

Partners are created and maintained in CX Create. A Partner should be created for each location (call center). This only needs to be done once, and can be used in multiple CommFlows.

  • Log in to CX Create
  • Click Partners in the left-hand navigation bar

  • On the Partners page, click +New Partner
  • On the New Partner page:
    • Basic Info tab

      • Name
      • Description [optional]

    • Contact Info tab 

      • Contact Name
      • Contact Email
      • Contact Phone* This is the only required field on this tab
      • Address
      • City
      • State
      • Zip

    • Gateways tab
       Gateways are part of a legacy feature that is no longer supported.
      This tab can/should be left blank in all instances.

  • Click Create to save and close the new Partner

2. Assigning a Partner to a CommFlow

Partners are added to the embed node during the CommFlow setup process.*
*For step-by-step CommFlow setup instructions, click here.

On the CommFlow embed node:

  • Click the wrench icon to access the CommFlow settings
  • On the Deployments tab, click the Partner dropdown and select the Partner you just created
  • You can add an optional Description in the text box
    • Note: This is not the optional description that gets entered on the Partner's Basic Info tab. That text will not carry over. 
  • Click Update to save the Partner assignment, then click Save on the CommFlow graph

Adding Additional Partners:

As mentioned, CommFlows can support multiple partners. This allows the same script to be popped at more than one call center. 

  • To add a partner to an already configured CommFlow, simply access the embed node of the CommFlow, click the settings icon, and choose another partner from the Partner dropdown.

    *An additional dropdown always becomes available when you add a partner:

  • Click Update to save the Partner assignment, then click Save on the CommFlow graph

All partners and their unique tokens will be listed on the Config tab of the CommFlow: