As a supervisor, you are able to perform all of the agent functions plus:
- Monitor Agent Chats
- Takeover and Disposition Agent Chats (Coming Soon)
- Set Up Chat Campaigns
1. Monitor Agent Chats
Chats are monitored from the Supervisor Dashboard.
Click OC Dashboard in the left-hand navigation bar

- Entries of the chats from the Chat Management pane that you have chosen to Monitor, with the selected chat bubble highlighted
- Chat info including customer name and chat duration
- Chat Monitor minimize button- hides/shows the Chat Monitor
- Chat Monitor click and drag sizing- allows for vertical resizing of the Chat Monitor pane
- Customer Details: (if applicable, or n/a)
- Name
- Email
- Phone
- Widget
- Site
- Page
- Referrer
- IP
- Customer/Agent correspondence
*Conversation can also be expanded by clicking the arrow next to and hiding Customer Details - Timestamp(s)
2. Takeover and Disposition Agent Chats (Coming Soon)
3. Set Up Chat Programs/Campaigns
Supervisors can set up and modify Chat Programs and Campaigns. That process is covered by a series of step-by-step articles, starting with How-To: Create an Omnichannel Program.
Supervisors also have the ability to rank agents for Chat suitability by using the Skill Management feature. For more information on that, click here.