Configuring the SingleComm Messaging Client is simple. This article will outline Step 2: Creating a Campaign.
Anchor What What
1. What is a Campaign?
What | |
What |
- Campaigns hold the details for specific product or customer engagement efforts
- In the same way CX Route has call campaigns- these are separate campaigns housed within Omnichannel's Campaign Creator
Anchor Create Create
2. Creating the Campaign
Create | |
Create |
- Click Omnichannel Setup in the left-hand navigation bar
- Click the Campaigns tab
- Click +New Campaign
- On the Create a New Omnichannel Campaign pop-up
- Campaign Name: the label for your messaging campaign
- Campaign Description: any other information you wish to include to help you identify the campaign.
This information will appear in the Messaging Campaigns list. - Assign to Program: click the dropdown to display a list of available programs, and click the program name you wish to assign to.
All three above options are REQUIRED for campaign setup! - Click Create Messaging Channel
*The most recently created campaign will appear at the top of the Campaigns list.
From the Omnichannel Campaigns page:
- Suspend/Activate the Campaign
- Edit Name & Description
- Edit Campaign Settings: takes you to the Campaign Settings page
- Campaign info
- Name
- Description
- Assign to Program
- App Id
- Copy to clipboard
Cannot be modified or deleted
- Copy to clipboard
- Campaign info
Anchor Assign Assign
3. Assigning Agents to the Campaign
Assign | |
Assign |
Once the campaign has been created, you must add agents so that they will be able to receive incoming messages once they make themselves available.
- Click Agent Management in the left-hand navigation bar
- Search for the agent you wish to add
- Click their agent number (blue button) to view their settings
- Click the Teams tab
- Scroll through the available programs/campaigns and click the Enabled checkbox on the chosen campaign
- Click Update to save and return to the agent settings
Anchor Configure Configure
Configuring the number of concurrent sessions:
Configure | |
Configure |
Supervisors can configure the number of concurrent sessions agents are able to have open at one time. To set this:
- Click the Configuration tab
- Set the Number of concurrent sessions per agent [defaults to 3]
- Click Save Changes
Once this configuration is set, it applies to all agents across all campaigns.
There is currently no maximum limit on the number of concurrent sessions.