How to configure a program-level subspace for viewing designated reports.
Clients using CX Explore SC Analytics may have the need to create a space within the application where program-specific dashboards can be viewed by users with the appropriate permissions.
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Obtaining the Login
Once the need for a subspace has been identified, the generic login can be requested from Ops via Help Desk ticket submitted by the Account Executive.
The naming convention used will be as follows:
User Name: Clientname Subclientname
User Email: clientname-subclientname@singlecomm.com
The client will also be provided with the necessary Token and Secret that are required for associating CX Route SC Analytics (ACD) users.*
*For more information on configuring the CX Route SC Analytics embedded reports, click /wiki/spaces/~557058feff2b718f3646118be1a02d2d0a4f5c/pages/3402243737here.
It is advised to have one main point of contact for this account.
A link will be provided in the help desk ticket that the AE will give to the client/subclient, along with the username and user email so that a password can be set.
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Creating the Space
SingleComm will also create the space within CX ExploreSC Analytics. Common naming convention dictates that the subspace will also be named for the Program, and it will be located in CX Explore SC Analytics at:
In most instances, the subspace will be named for the Program it is associated with.
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Adding Dashboards
Users with the above-mentioned generic login will only be able to VIEW the dashboards provided to them. They can not be modified, so it is critical that the client configure and save the report, customized for the subclient into their subspace.
Client builds report or copies an existing report that they wish to display to the subclient using standard report-building methods.*
*For more information on creating reports, click /wiki/spaces/~557058feff2b718f3646118be1a02d2d0a4f5c/pages/3402244337.Each individual Look within the dashboard(s) must be filtered at the Program
levellevel before
beingbeing saved into the subspace.
As you begin typing the Program name, available options will appear in a dropdown.
CX ExploreSC Analaytics will accept anything entered here, but the values that populate the dropdown are the exact matches needed to filter properly.
Setting the Program filter ensures that the subclient sees ONLY data that is relevant to them. Other filters can be set depending on the report type.
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Best Practices
It is strongly recommended that the password not be changed by any individual other than the original point of contact who initially set it. Because it is a shared account, any user with the generic login has the ability to change the password at any time. If a password change is required for security reasons, it is the subclient's responsibility for communicating the credentials to all users.
dashboardsdashboards should be saved to the subspace, NOT
individualindividual Looks.
In the instance that only a single Look is needed for a report, that Look must still be saved into a dashboard before being saved into the subspace.
The recommended use case is as follows:
Log in and browse to the subspace
- Click
Click New
inin the top right, then
clickclick Dashboard
fromfrom the dropdown menu
- Click
Click New Tile, then explore and add dimensions and metrics
Can I just click the link to Add Looks, then browse to my other shared space?
This won't work because to add Looks to a dashboard, they have to saved into the subspace where the dashboard is located, and remember the above rule: Looks should NEVER be saved into the subspace! Once the tile contains the reporting metrics that are needed, click Save in the top right to add it to the dashboard.*
*These are essentially the step s for building a Lookless Dashboard, which can be done in any shared or personal space. For more detailed instructions on creating these dashboards, click /wiki/spaces/~557058feff2b718f3646118be1a02d2d0a4f5c/pages/3402244494.
If you have Looks that are saved in other spaces, they can also be added to a dashboard in the subspace, as long as they are filtered at the Program level and saved as such in the other space.
Browse to the saved Look
Filter and customize the Look for the subclient
Save that Look in its original location
From inside the Look, click the gear (Settings icon) in the top right and
selectselect Save to Dashboard
Choose the location in the subspace and
clickclick Save to Dashboard
Oops, what if I accidentally created a Look and saved it into the subspace?
Browse the subspace
Click the gear (Settings icon) on the Look
- Click
Click Explore From Here
toto open the Look
*The Move
optionoption does not work here since a Look can not be moved into a dashboard, regardless of location.
From inside the Look, click the gear and select Save to Dashboard
Open the dashboard to verify that it saved
In the subspace, click the gear to the right of the Look and
selectselect Move to Trash