Step-by-step instructions for creating a voice campaign in CX Route*
The complete end to end process is made up of the following steps:
*This article assumes that a Program has already been created.
The following article covers-
Create the Campaign
- Log in to CX Route
- Click Programs in the left-hand navigation bar
- Browse the list of programs that drops down and click the one that will contain your campaign.
*Campaigns can be added to new programs or existing programs that are already hosting other campaigns. - On the Program Management page:
^^^The above program contains no existing campaigns. - Click Campaigns
- This is where any existing campaigns would be listed
- Click + Create New Campaign
- On the New Campaign page:
- Campaign Name
- Campaign Type
- Inbound Only
- The Campaign Name will be appended with "IB" to indicate it is Inbound
- Inbound with Outbound Followup
- This option creates an Inbound and a linked Outbound campaign simultaneously.
*The campaign name you choose will be appended with "IB" and a second campaign with the same name, appended with "OB" will be created.
Why are 2 campaigns created?
For this option, if an agent schedules a future callback from the IB campaign, it will be placed in the associated OB campaign. This option can also be used for dropped calls. If the agent needs to call the consumer back, that is done as part of the linked OB campaign.
- This option creates an Inbound and a linked Outbound campaign simultaneously.
- Outbound with CallBack Followup
- This option creates linked Outbound and Inbound (Callback) campaigns simultaneously.
*The campaign name you choose will be appended with "OB" and a second campaign with the same name, appended with "CB" will be created.
Why would I use this option?
For campaigns that use global caller IDs, the same local number is displayed to the consumer, regardless of the campaign that they were dialed from. If that consumer calls the number back, this allows CX Route to determine which OB campaign they were dialed from, and then routes them to the linked IB (C) campaign to be handled by an appropriate agent.
- This option creates linked Outbound and Inbound (Callback) campaigns simultaneously.
- Outbound
- The Campaign Name will be appended with "OB" to indicate it is Outbound
- Inbound Only
- Internal [default]: Leads are managed and uploaded via a custom lead loader that hits a SingleComm API endpoint. This can be configured with the help of your Account Executive. For more information, click here.
- Sheet: Leads are uploaded in bulk via a csv file. For more information click here.
- Federation: This option is for leads that are meant to be shared across multiple CX Route clusters. This feature is not fully implemented. If you have this need, please inquire with your AE.
- Once you have selected Campaign Type, click Continue
The campaign(s) you created will appear on the Program Management page, along with any existing campaigns.
On this page, you can also set a campaign to Suspended by selecting the check box.
*CX Route campaigns can not be deleted. To deactivate a campaign, it should be marked as Suspended.
- Once you have selected Campaign Type, click Continue