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Configuring the SingleComm Messaging Client is simple. This article will outline Step 2: Creating a Campaign.

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  1. What is a Campaign?
  2. Creating the Campaign
  3. Assigning Agents to the Campaign

1. What is a Campaign? 

  • Campaigns hold the details for specific product or customer engagement efforts
  • In the same way CX Route has call campaigns- these are separate campaigns housed within Omnichannel's Campaign Creator

2. Creating the Campaign

  • Click Omnichannel Setup in the left-hand navigation bar

  • Click the Campaigns tab 

  • Click +New Campaign
  • On the Create a New Omnichannel Campaign pop-up

    • Campaign Name: the label for your messaging campaign
    • Campaign Description: any other information you wish to include to help you identify the campaign.
      This information will appear in the Messaging Campaigns list.
    • Assign to Program: click the dropdown to display a list of available programs, and click the program name you wish to assign to.
       All three above options are REQUIRED for campaign setup!

    • Click Create Messaging Channel


  • Suspend/Activate the Campaign
  • Edit Name & Description
  • Edit Campaign Settings: takes you to the Campaign Settings page

    • Campaign info
      • Name
      • Description
      • Assign to Program
      • App Id
        • Copy to clipboard
           Cannot be modified or deleted

3. Assigning Agents to the Campaign

Once the campaign has been created, you must add agents so that they will be able to receive incoming messages once they make themselves available.

  • Click Agent Management in the left-hand navigation bar
  • Search for the agent you wish to add
  • Click their agent number (blue button) to view their settings

  • Click the Teams tab

  • Scroll through the available programs/campaigns and click the Enabled checkbox on the chosen campaign

  • Click Update to save and return to the agent settings

Configuring the number of concurrent sessions

Supervisors can configure the number of concurrent sessions agents are able to have open at one time. To set this:


 Once this configuration is set, it applies to all agents across all campaigns.
There is currently no maximum limit on the number of concurrent sessions.

For more information on what the Agent can do/see, click here.

To view the next step in the process, Adding FAQs, click here.