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The content in this article is appropriate for: Supervisors and Administrators

Step-by-step instructions for configuring a voice campaign to support agents*

The complete end to end process is made up of the following steps:

  1. Create the Program

  2. Configure the Campaign

  3. Number Management

  4. Configure the IVR

  5. Add the Script Wrapper(s)

  6. Assign Attributes and Agents

*This article assumes that the previous steps have already been completed.

The following article covers-

Add Campaign Attributes

  • On the Program Management page, click Campaigns

    1. Click the name of the campaign you are using

    2. On the Details tab:*If you have already completed the earlier sections of the end-to-end setup, the options listed here can be left as-is, with the exception of the Call Distribution type which must be assigned as is detailed in length later in this article. The other attributes available on the Details tab of the campaign are optional. Depending on features enabled here, other options may become available.For your reference, the rest of the options are detailed below:

      Name (this was assigned in section 2)
      Priority [defaults to 1.00] leave as-is
      Type (this was assigned in section 2)
      Alternate Campaign(IB/OB): When creating the campaign, if you had selected the Inbound Only or Outbound Only Campaign Types:This is where you manually link it to another campaign. Click the dropdown and select the campaign you wish to pair it to (IB->OB or OB->IB)*During campaign creation, if you had selected either of the other 2 options, the linked campaign name will appear in the dropdown by default.
      Focus: [defaults to Sales] used to control the types of metrics displayed for some reports*This is a legacy function that was utilized in ACD reporting. This metric is not carried over into SC Analytics for reporting. It is recommended to be left as-is, although either setting will not adversely affect the campaign.

      Sales: transactional (close rate)
      Customer Service: service level (number of calls answered)

      Call Distribution: [defaults to Rank Based Routing]

      Skills Based Routing: Can only be used on IB campaigns*For details on setting up a SBR campaign, click here.
      Rank Based Routing: Can be used on OB or IB campaigns*For details on setting up a RBR campaign, click here.

      Barge: When enabled, allows a supervisor to join or intercept an agent's call.
      Minimum Agent Quota: When the number of available agents goes below this threshold, outbound leads will not be fed to agents that are not in a call, instead leaving them available to take incoming calls.
      Timeout: length of time (in seconds) caller will stay in queue before being returned to the IVR
      Minimum Call Length: Lowest number of seconds that an agent is required to be in a call. If the call ends before the amount of seconds set here, the connection will remain open until the minimum call length is met. This setting is used to alleviate cost concern regarding Short Call Duration penalties with some carriers.
      Maximum Queue: highest number of calls (1-20) that are permitted in the queue
      Usage Pattern [retired feature, not supported]
      Short Call Threshold: [defaults to 15] maximum total time (in seconds), under which a call can be flagged as short
      Long Call Threshold: [defaults to 60] minimum time (in seconds), over which a call can be flagged as Long
      SLA Threshold: [defaults to 30] amount of time (in seconds) required for the call to fulfill the Service Level Agreement
      Suspended: [defaults to No] leave as-is, this option is used to take the campaign out of service
      OmniChannel Account: this dropdown allows you to connect the campaign to an existing OmniChannel account
      Auto Start Recording: when enabled, the recording of calls begins automatically
      Agent Recording Control: When enabled, allows an agent to pause/unpause the audio recording of a call. Any script slide marked as Private will still not be recorded, as that setting overrides this one.
      Agent Dial back Control: gives agents the ability to make callbacks as part of an Outbound campaign (the alternate campaign must be specified on this page before enabling)
      Agent Pay Type: used in conjunction with Agent Pay Rate

      Per Call
      Per Minute

      Agent Pay Rate: Used in conjunction with Agent Pay Type, the dollar amount to be multiplied by the above pay type*The above two options are reportable in SC Analytics
      PII Audio: Audio recording while on slides containing Personally Identifiable Information

      Omit PII slides from recording [default]
      Insert dead air for PII slides- this option is only used in conjunction with the Screen Capture feature

      Secure Silent Payment Collection: options for collection of the caller's credit card information
      Multi-channel Recording: [defaults to no selection/Disabled] Enabling this features allows for each participant on a call to be recorded separately for use in conjunction with an external talk-to-text component.*Enabling and implementing this feature will have extra costs involved. For more details, please talk to your Account Executive.
      Auto Answer: implements an automatic pickup for calls when enabled, or assigns a timeout (in seconds) for the agent to accept manually

    3. On the Business Hours tab: [optional] Set a weekly schedule of start/end times plus any applicable overrides

    4. On the Ranks tab: [only available if Call Distribution Type = Rank Based Routing] More information on that is available here or jump to the next section.

    5. On the Skills tab: [only available if Call Distribution Type = Skills Based Routing] More information on that is available here or jump to the next section.

    6. On the Agents/Trained Agents tab: displays a list of agents that have the necessary Rank or Skill required for the campaign.

    7. On the Dispositioning tab: [optional]

      Disposition Warning Threshold: time (in seconds) at which agent will receive a warning that they should disposition the call
      Maximum Disposition Threshold: time (in seconds) at which a call will automatically dispo with the Maximum Disposition Code
      Maximum Disposition Code: disposition value that is assigned if the Maximum Disposition Threshold value is reached

    8. On the Transfers tab: [optional] full details and instructions for configuring and managing call transfers can be found here.

    9. On the Parking tab: Enable/disable the Call Parking Lot feature and view a list of agent that can retrieve calls. A detailed step-by-step article is located here.

    10. On the Events tab: [optional] Events are triggered when the call is disconnected to trigger callbacks for IVR/Queue drops.

      Click the dropdown to Choose an Event Class
      Click the dropdown to Choose an Integration

    11. On the Queue Music tab: [optional] This is where you would change the default queue music.

      Click the File Path and choose from other available audio files**If this list is blank, contact your AE who will assist in uploading the files so that they appear in this dropdown.

    12. On the Announcement tab: [optional] This is where you would change the platform default (beep beep sound) prompt that plays to the agent right before the call connects.

      Click the dropdown and choose from other available audio files**If this list is blank, contact your AE who will assist in uploading the files so that they appear in this dropdown.Please note that audio files will be played back to the agent in their entirety. If you upload a file that is 30 seconds in length, the agent will listen to the entire audio and cannot interrupt it to take the call. Keep in mind that the caller is also waiting while this audio plays. It is recommended that Call Announcements only ever be a few seconds in length.*If you would like the Announcement audio to be interruptable, a setting change can be made on the backend of SC ACD. Please enter a Help Desk ticket with the request.

    13. On the OBTM Lists tab: [available on Outbound campaigns only] View any New/Touched lead lists for the campaign

    14. On the Caller IDs tab: [available on Outbound campaigns only] Specify the Destination Country Code, Prefix, and Source of Caller ID

    15. On the Audit Log tab: You will see the username, IP address, and timestamp of any changes that have been made to the campaign.

    16. On the PD Inbound tab: [available on Inbound campaigns only] Enable/disable the Predictive Dialer


Call Distribution Options

  • Agents are added to the campaigns based on its Call Distribution type.

    For the IB campaign example:

    • On the Details tab, select Skills Based Routing

    • Click Update to save this setting

    This will activate the 2 tabs necessary for configuring Skills Based Routing:

    • On the Skills tab:

      Click the Skill Name dropdown and select an available skill for this campaign
      Assign the skill a Weight
      Click Update to save the skill assignment
      Repeat the above steps to add additional skills (if necessary)

    • Once the skills are added, the Agents tab will update to show only those agents that have the assigned skills:

    For the OB campaign example:

    • Browse to the outbound campaign

    • On the Details tab, select Rank Based Routing

    • Click Update to save this setting

    This will activate the 2 tabs necessary for configuring Rank Based Routing:

  • ___________________________________________________________________________________

    • All agents start out on the Untrained Agents tab

      • On the list that is displayed, find the agents you wish to add to the campaign and click the Activate button to the right of their name.

      • Once you select them for activation, they will appear as "To be activated" in the Actions column

      • Once all agents have been selected for activation, scroll to the bottom and click Update

    • Assigned agents will now appear in the Ranks tab

      • On this tab, you can assign an agent's rank 0 is the default, and the minimum. There is no maximum value but it is suggested that you create a universal ranking system, either 0-9, 0-99, etc., to promote consistency amongst campaigns.

      Agents can have one of three statuses within a campaign:

      • Untrained: agents on SC ACD that have never been assigned to the campaign

      • Trained: agents that were assigned to this campaign, but deactivated from the campaign for any reason (Their rank record will be suspended when they are removed, but there is history of the agent being ranked, so they are considered to be trained).
        *A Trained agent can be Activated, which would move them back to the Ranked list. 
        *A Trained agent cannot be moved back to Untrained.

      • Ranked: a list of agents that have been activated from either the untrained or trained list(s) and are currently assigned to the campaign


    The end-to-end basic voice campaign setup is now complete!