Can be used for: knowledge base, collaboration, training, communication, tracking work and thoughts
to acknowledge you have viewed something - add a reaction / make a comment/
always add labels - how to use them and when to use them
your personal space in confluence
team space in confluence
You can create tasks and assign them to yourself or others by editing a page, using+ to add an action item, assign with @username and add a due date.
if you have tasks from multiple people and want to see them all in one place, you can add tables like below and add a task report from confluence tasks
✔ Edit Edit this page.
✔ Comment Add a comment to this page.
✔ Star this page Add this page to your starred pages . Starring your favorite (or most important) pages makes them easier to find later.
✔ Watch this page Add this page to your watched pages . That means you will get email notifications when any changes or comments are added to the page. This helps you stay in the loop on the most important pages.
✔ Page permissions Change the permission settings of this page. Page owners can keep the page open for all or restrict it to certain teammates.
✔ Publish Publish this page.
✔ More actions Available options will vary based on your permissions. Some actions may allow you to copy the page, export the page, move the page, or see detailed analytics.
You can find your saved drafts in the main navigation bar by selecting 'Recent' and toggling to 'Drafts.'
2. You have full control over who can see your pages.
Notice the lock icon near the top right of your screen. This is how you update page permission settings. You decide who can and cannot see your page.
Sometimes you'll want your entire organization to be able to view your page. Other times you'll want a private page only you can view.
3. Click the 'Publish' button for your page to go live.
You must click the 'Publish' button for your page to be viewable by your team. When you click 'Publish,' the page will reload, and you'll see the published version of your page.
The published page provides a new set of options near the top right of the page. Use these options to edit, share, comment on, and change permissions on your page. You'll learn more about these options in future courses.
👇 Click the 'Publish' button to make your page viewable by your team.
4. Find your new page in the 'Recent' dropdown.
After publishing your page, it lives within the page hierarchy where it was initially created. It may be nested within another page. One way to find your new page is to use the page tree.
If you can't find it in the page tree, go to the main navigation bar and select the 'Recent' dropdown. Your new page should be near the top of the list.
👇 To find your new page, select the 'Recent' dropdown from the main navigation bar.
📖 Pages
Pages are best for evergreen content - brainstorming, project planning, collaborating and creating long-term content across your organization. Pages can be structured in a hierarchy to show relationships, making them easy to find and organize. You'll probably use pages more often than blog posts.
💬 Blog posts
Blog posts are best for short-lived content - sharing timely announcements, updates, and news. They are ordered chronologically and can be accessed from the 'Blog' section in the space sidebar. Blog posts work well to share any timely updates or news with your organization.
Save time with page templates
When you create a new page, you can start from a blank page or a page template. Page templates are pre-formatted pages that include guided instructions. They provide a starting place to save you time and keep your content well-organized. Confluence has over 75+ templates for you to choose from.
When your page is in edit mode, the toolbar allows you to make enhancements to your page. You can format text, change layouts, add emojis, create tables, upload multimedia, and more.
Format your text
Formatting text is a simple way to clarify your message and call attention to important information. In edit mode, the toolbar can be found the top of your screen. The left side of the toolbar provides text formatting options.
Use the text styles dropdown to select various heading and paragraph styles. Add emphasis to text with options such as bold, italics, underline, text alignment, and color.
Action item: Use action items to assign work to teammates. When you @mention a teammate next to the action item, that item will be assigned to them.
Add a link: To add a link, select a line of text on the page. Then, click this link icon in your toolbar. Paste the URL you'd like to link.
Add multimedia: Upload multimedia to your page, like images and videos.
Mention a teammate: Mention teammates to notify them about your page. To mention a teammate, click this @ icon and type a teammate's name. When your page is published, your teammate will receive a notification.
Add an emoji: Add an emoji to give your page extra style. Select this icon to choose from a list of emojis. You also have the ability to upload your own.
Add a table: Add a 3x3 table to your page. You can add or remove columns and rows as needed.
Change the layout: Select between a few different column layouts for your page.
Add a macro: Add a macro: a small tool that extends the capabilities of a Confluence page.
Here's something valuable to know: You can also add multimedia files by dragging and dropping them onto the page. Drag images or videos directly onto the page and they will automatically be embedded.
A macro is a tool that extends the capabilities of a Confluence page. You can think of macros as similar to "plugins." They allow you to add extra functionality or include dynamic content on your page.
To add a macro, make sure your page is in edit mode. On the toolbar, select the + dropdown. Select one of the macros to add to your page.
👇 Use the / key and the text command to add any macro to your page.
Confluence gives you full control over how your pages are organized. This makes it easy for anyone on your team to find what they need. There are two main ways to move pages within a space:
Use the page tree
Use the More actions (•••) menu
Move a page using the page tree
This option works best if you need to quickly move or reorder multiple pages. Here's how to move a page using the page tree:
Expand the space sidebar and locate the page tree
Click the arrows to expand and find a page you'd like to move
Drag and drop the page to a new position in the page tree
Here's something valuable to know: When you move a page, all incoming links will stay the same. When you move a parent page, the entire hierarchy of child pages moves too.
USE advance search:
To find a page that contains an exact phrase, use double quotes around your search phrase.
For example, searching for "product manager" in double quotes will show search results with that exact match. Results will not contain pages that have only 'product' or only 'manager.'
Search with operators
If you don't know the exact phrase you're looking for, enter keywords and operators in the search field. The available operators are OR, AND, NOT, and Group.
Here's something valuable to know: You can combine exact matches, operators, and wildcards in one search query. For example, you can search manag* AND past? AND ("article" OR "post")
Edit pages in real-time
You and up to 12 teammates can edit a page at the same time with collaborative editing . In real-time, you can see which teammates are working on the page and see every edit as it happens. It's a great way to get work done together, quickly and efficiently.
To start collaborative editing, select the edit button on any page. Invite a teammate by selecting the circular + option next to your profile picture. As your teammate begins making edits, you'll be able to see their changes as they happen.
Use comments and mentions
Comments and mentions and powerful features to collaborate with your teammates. You'll use both features often to give feedback, ask questions, and bring your entire team into the conversation.
Add page comments
One way to use comments is to add a comment to an entire page. Here's how:
When you comment on a page, you will automatically start 'watching' that page. That means you'll receive email notifications when others add comments or changes to the page are made. Your teammates can reply to or 'like' your page comments. If they do, you'll be notified.
Add inline comments
You can also add comments within the page, inline on any text. Inline comments can be added when you are either editing or viewing a page. Here's how to add an inline comment:
After you save your comment, the text on the page will be highlighted in yellow. To view comments, click any yellow highlighted text on the page. Just like page comments, your teammates can reply to or 'like' your inline comments.
Mention teammates
Mentioning teammates (often called @mentioning) helps bring attention to important information. You can @mention teammates on a page or in a comment.
Here's something valuable to know: Comments don't appear to viewers until the page is published. Any teammate mentioned in a comment won’t be notified until you publish the page.
Share pages with teammates
You'll often need to send pages to teams or individuals. The 'Share' button at the top right gives you two easy ways to share a page:
See the confluence training space - this is what our training space could look like!
Info |
Add a board view from Jira (this could be used for onboarding)
Add a calendar view from Jira
Gadget | ||||||||||||||||
See a content index for a tag or multiple tags - throughout multiple spaces or just one space
Content Report Table | ||||||||
See specific into about a page based on contibutors -
Contributors Summary | ||||||