[ACD] Adding Script Wrappers to a Campaign

[ACD] Adding Script Wrappers to a Campaign

The content in this article is appropriate for: Supervisors and Administrators

Step-by-step instructions for adding a script wrapper to a voice campaign.* A script wrapper (or wrapper script) connects a script (Guided Interaction) to a campaign.

The complete end to end process is made up of the following steps:

  1. Create the Program

  2. Configure the Campaign

  3. Number Management

  4. Configure the IVR

  5. Add the Script Wrapper(s)

  6. Assign Attributes and Agents

*This article assumes that the previous steps have already been completed.

The following article covers-

Assign the Inbound Campaign to the Guided Interaction

  1. On the Program Management page, click Scripts in the top right

  2. Click the # of the default script to view its settings

  3. From the Script Details page, click the Slides tab

  4. In the Actions column, click Edit

  5. By default, there will be a DID Group Script Lookup, which is needed for inbound campaigns to pop the right script.

    *If you are configuring an outbound campaign, a new script wrapper must be created. 


Create a Script Wrapper for the Outbound Campaign

  1. Click the Scripts tab in the top right

  2. Click New Script

  3. On the Create a New Script page:

    1. Script Name: [defaults to Program Name Script] Adding "OB" to the end of the default name preserves the program name and indicates it is the wrapper for the outbound campaign

    2. Script Description: [defaults to Program Name Script, adding an extended description is optional] 

    3. Script Class: [defaults to ScriptName_v1]
      *This field must not contain any spaces, it is advised that after typing the script name, to click inside this text box and allow the name to auto-generate.

  4. Click Continue to go to the Script Details page
    (Script Details are OK as-is)

  5. Click the Slides tab

  6. Click Edit

  7. By default, the DID Group Lookup slide will be present

  8. Click Delete to remove it

  9. Click and drag SingleComm Script from the left-hand column to the blank area on the right
    *This way, instead of looking at the script assignment from the DID (Number) Group for the correct script to pop, you are assigning it a script directly because OB campaigns do not have a DID Group.

  10. Click Save Changes 

  11. Click to Edit the SingleComm Script

  12. On the Script Slide Item Editor:

    1. Label: can be left as-is

    2. CSS Class(es): can be left blank

    3. SingleComm Integration: click the dropdown and select the name of your scripting cluster (location of your Guided Interactions)

    4. Deployment: click the dropdown and select the name of the workflow you are using

    5. Parameter: click button to add a new parameters and value (optional)

  13. Click Apply to save and close the pop-up

  14. Click the Save Changes button again

  15. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Update to save 

  16. Click the Compile tab

    1. Click Re-compile

    2. Scroll down and click Update to save

Attach the Campaign

  1. On the Program Management page, click the Scripts tab in the top right
    A script placeholder with the same name as your Program will appear in the Scripts list:

    ^^^This Script Wrapper DOES NOT have any campaigns assigned to it yet!
  2. Click the "0" under the Campaigns column

  3. This will display all of the campaigns currently in the program:

    ^^^The above program only has a single number assigned to its Number Group. If the program had multiple numbers (DIDs), each would have its own column.
  4. Find the IB campaign you are configuring and enable All DIDs by clicking the checkbox:

    ^^^It is advised to assign All DIDs to the campaign, whether there is one or more numbers present. 
  5. Click the Scripts tab in the top right

  6. You will now see that it has one campaign assigned to it:


For details on the next step, Assigning Attributes and Agents, click here.

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