Analyzing Data in CX Explore

Analyzing Data in CX Explore

Analyzing Data in CX Explore

SingleComm has created a number of options to serve as the starting point for exploring your data. Once the path for exploration is set, views, dimensions, and measures will help you drill down into your data.

This article will cover:

  1. Who/What/Where of Explores
  2. Standard Explores
  3. Overview of Dimensions
  4. Overview of Measures
  5. Navigating Explores
  6. Merging Data From Different Explores

1. Who/What/Where of Explores

Who can access Explores?

Any user with a log in to the Analytics platform will be able to see all of the Explores that have been created. Users that only access reports via CX Route may have limited options.

What are Explores?

Explores are where you'll begin when examining your data. They set the level of detail for your search. If you're searching for a specific statistic or piece of data that isn't already featured in a saved look, or LookML dashboard, this is where your query starts.

Where are Explores located?

From the top left, click Explore to drop down a list of available Explores.

This list will be the same regardless of where it is accessed from inside the platform.

2. Standard Explores

SingleComm has created five explores, which are connected to your database. The explores are not user-defined and therefore can not be modified, copied, or deleted.


  • Agent Log
    This explore contains the following views:
    • Agent Logs
    • Agents 
  • Hourly Agent Log
  • User Shifts
  • Users


  • Audits
  • Calls
  • Compliance Events
  • Leads
  • Order Items
  • Orders
  • Script Response Log
    The above explores contain the following views:
    • Agents
    • Calls
    • Campaigns
    • Disposition Categories
    • End Call States
    • Number Groups
    • Order Items
    • Orders
    • Script Response Logs
  • Sessions

The call groupings listed above are the SingleComm standard, based on what you have access to. Custom views may have been added or removed for your organization.

3. Dimensions

Listed within each explore are these data attributes. Dimensions are essentially how you'd like to describe your data. To see a list of dimensions, click the arrow to the left of the view in order to expand it.

4. Measures

Listed below the dimensions are the measures. These are the calculations used for your database queries.

For example- When building a report that queries Agent Logins by their start date, you may choose the following:

  • explore: Agent Log
  • dimension: Agent Login
  • measure: Started Date (which can then be broken down by Day, Week, Month, Year, etc)

The EXPLORE represents the level of detail, the DIMENSION is the type of data you are dissecting, and the MEASURE calculates exactly what you are looking for.

5. Navigating Explores

The following features are available within all Explores, while creating a look or dashboard, or when choosing the Explore From Here option while browsing:

  • Click on the minus icon  to minimize the left-hand explore dropdown

  • Click on the plus icon  to expand the left-hand explore dropdown

  • Type in the Search bar to narrow down the View\Dimension\Measure you are looking for

  • Click on All Fields, Dimensions, or Measures to target what is displayed in the left-hand dropdown

    *This also narrows the focus of the Search bar

  • Click the arrow to the left of any view to expand its dimensions and measures

  • Hover your mouse on top of the "i" tooltip icon  for a pop-up definition of any of the dimensions

  • When collapsed, the number next to the dimension indicates if it, or how many of its components, if >1 are being used to filter data in the current explore (or look via "Explore From Here").

  • When expanded, the left-hand dropdown will show options for the dimensions currently being used. 

    From here, you can click on PIVOT to use the dimension to pivot the displayed data, or FILTER to expand the current filter and allow for modifications.
    When the option is currently in use, or has been modified, these buttons will appear enabled:

6. Merging Data From Different Explores

Data from different Explores or Models can be merged into a single table or graph by following the steps outlined below. This is a useful secondary option when data types are not all present in a single explore.

You will start the same way you would if creating a new Look.

  • Create your Primary Query
    • Add the desired dimension(s)/measure(s) to your Look (report).
    • Click the Settings menu in the top right, and select Merge Results
    • On the Choose an Explore page, scroll through the list of explores on the left and select the other explore you wish to retrieve data from
    • On the Edit Query page, add the dimension(s)/measure(s) from the second explore
      • Click Run to generate the report and verify that the data you need is being returned
    • Click Save in the bottom right corner to merge the results
  • Merged results will appear on the right in a single table, and the queries used will be listed on the left

    • The first query listed is marked as the Primary, and subsequent queries will be listed beneath.
    • Click Add Query if you wish to merge more data from additional locations.

 Ensure that you are using similar data types!
If you attempt to merge data from queries that are not related, you will receive the following error message:

The primary query will always be executed, with a warning next to subsequent queries that were not merged.

Merged results can be manipulated the same as they would in any other look. Data can be viewed in a Visualization, columns can also be sorted/moved.

To edit a source query, simply click its name in the left-hand Source Queries list to be taken to the Edit Query page:

To view a video tutorial on creating merged result tables, or other advanced exploring options in CX Explore, click here.